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    dunno where you are, but it's not that bad here...the cold last night was pretty bad.We hit 20`
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    Future of seed industry, whats ur take?

    I have to agree. Generally speaking, I believe fem seeds to be bad for everyone down the line. In time, the true breeders will be laughing. You remember that Blue Bonnet commercial..."It's not nice to fool Mother Nature"?
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    something new......

    they ARE good. They're called papaya lilikoi in HI. 1st pic is not what you have. #2 is yours and #3 is one of the best things to do with them. They are very good out of hand, too. good luck with them!\ \ regards, Azoned
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    Growing In Tha Tropics

    sorry to hear that... I sent you a PM
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    The new and improved PIX OF SPRING THREAD.

    well, things aren't as bad as I thought they would be. the pear still has blossoms. The lilac leaves are green. The pomegranate took gas, as did the lambs quarter. A few penstemons went down, too.
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    Growing Orchids

    what variety? the phals need a temp drop. Don't now how long for...anyone? Mine gets it w/o trying...the fireplace doesn't reach that far. My dendrobs don't seem to need the temp drop...they want sun in the winter. sledgehammer....I like your style. ...and I do have a hammer for every size...
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    Growing Orchids

    Hi Kitty, If you get there, see if they have honohono's. My grower friend did them in HI....Too bad I don't have a clue to the scientific name or variety. They tend toward a fleshy hanging stem and flowers. Did a google image search...guess what? honohono is the variety. And for some reason I...
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    Growing In Tha Tropics

    Hi all, did a little cut the other day...before last night's hard freeze...20`F. Yesterday sucked, bad. Snow, sleet and cold... OH MY!
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    The new and improved PIX OF SPRING THREAD.

    Hi all, Thanks. Good to see this thread resurrected! the "boom" lowered last night...18`F this morning....and heavy frost and fog. That happens here. Our dew point is below freezing most of the time. I guess I get to see spring try again. Can't imagine much [for blooms] survived that. BTW...
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    Growing In Tha Tropics

    Light leak? Nah...They are trying, no budlets forming. Just stretching. ...Our days are getting longer. If they finish, that's OK...if they go til Oct---better. Quality/quantity is much improved.
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    Growing In Tha Tropics

    yep...just a matter of time. them's lookin' nice! I'm looking at white shit on the ground. Snow/sleet. Not a good day for my girls. A few had to stay out. They're covered and probably won't see any sun until tomorrow. The ones that are the same age as yours came in. Still haven't committed to...
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    good thing that didn't happen here. Just heavy wind and rain. I brought my girls in tonight...snow level is sposed to be 3500ft. I'm some higher than that.
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    kitty's flower garden part 2

    lol that sums it up nicely
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    kitty's flower garden part 2

    I'm glad I didn't get my skills from my mom....the only thing she didn't kill is this one pothos. I swear, she could kill a silk plant.
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    best cover crops to amend my soil for one year???

    more time than $ you're lucky you have that much to work with. I've got 6in of topsoil, then a layer of rocks, then clay, then hardpan...and now you're all of 18in deep. I've been using a pic and digging bar....maybe $50 to get the guy with the backhoe isn't so expensive.
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    the wind will beat them up. They're tough. She'll be fine. Did you get "liquid sunshine" this morning, too?
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    kitty's flower garden part 2

    you can always go with plan B. Let 'em go to seed and stagger your next plantings. Basil retains a good part of its flavor when dried....not like cilantro. Cilantro loses everything when dried. You might as well use lawn clippings. regards, zoned
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    best cover crops to amend my soil for one year???

    alfalfa. Great as "green manure"
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    This site is FUCKED!!!!!!!!!!

    +1 Scroggy! The good and bad with internet...everyone has access. Some with intentions different from ours.
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    Doing my plants from seed this year. Already got some Early Girl 'Maters growing.

    My Brandywines are ready to be moved from starting tray to pots. They're on their 3 set of leaves and get outside every day for full strength sunshine. I won't need to harden them before setting them in the garden.