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    kitty's flower garden part 2

    It was a clouldless, breezy day...91` in Tucson. You can get sunburn from a full moon here ; ]
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    kitty's flower garden part 2

    Hi Dr.Amber, Almost embarrassed after getting you out to the "hills" and it beiing SOOOOOO dry. Awe inspiring brown....NOT!!!! How's the sunburn? Gila Monsters are not at all common. Consider yourself privileged to having seen one in the wild. The reptiles are coming out...walk heavy and they...
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    kitty's flower garden part 2

    nice shots of the passionflower! Kitty, I can relate to "certain plants I WILL NOT grow". Stargazer lilies do that for me. The "fragrance"[odor?] reminds me of a funeral home. Glad someone likes 'em, 'cause I don't!
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    kitty's flower garden part 2

    Hi all, I plant pinks, Sensation Cosmos, Crackerjack Marigolds and a few others because that's what Grandma grew. Whenever I smell one of the purple Sensations, all I can think of is Grandma. My mom had terminal Black Thumb, but I have the one plant she failed to kill. Do you all plant things...
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    kitty's flower garden part 2

    Sorry to hear that. Sure woulda been fun. The variety is amazing. Got some toms in the ground. And a few into 1gal pots. Have been scoping a few spots around the house that may provide a welcome habitat for some of the extras....I have a few. About 30, so I can be liberal. The jujube grove...
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    Hawaii Growers

    Poipu is nice. There is a nice beach , Mahalapu'u, [sorry if I misspelled it guys] if you can follow the road just north/east up the coast. Whatever you do...don't spend your time at the resort. Too many nice places to see and do...and DO NOT try to go through Lihue in the morning...
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    Beat my Macros!! by FlowaMasta anyone welcome HQ macros Full size only please

    great pix, Flowamasta! The only thing I've got going is leaf....nothing to see. come Sept/Oct, I may need a chainsaw, though. Them babies have a LONG season ahead of 'em. 2ft tall and just starting to get nice outside....20-25`C.
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    first time effort in south west france

    a timer and drip line will fix the watering problem.
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    kitty's flower garden part 2

    Well.... Did Ms Kitty make it to the orchid show?????? Are things OK? Kinda quiet 'round here... regards, Z Danny, I have a blue point "Siamese" similar to your avatar.... I use quotation marks because he was born from a black feral. Dad??? who knows. That littler had an all black, a blue and...
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    Growing Orchids

    That's a cool one. I find myself gravitating toward the "spider" orchids. I'm beginning to think my phal believes it's gonna die. 9 buds and the stalk hasn't terminated, yet.... kinda like the car...It was running the best it EVER has, just before it blew up!
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    kitty's flower garden part 2

    "nanny nanny boo boo...guess what I'm eating????? Fresh asparagus!!!! We have a very small patch [came with the home]. Looks to be 3-4 crowns. I was going to give it/them a top dressing of compost, and was clearing off some of the was up already. I did give them a bit of cow manure...
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    Help! Science Project with my Son

    To make all things equal, you could plant some outdoors- in the dirt and do some hydro w/artificial light. Put a photocell outside to turn lights on/off.
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    Help! Science Project with my Son

    Well then... Let the experiment begin!
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    Arizona Growers Thread

    Hi all, I know this has been covered multiple times.... Exactly, What is the 12 plant rule? I've heard... 12 in flower Males don't count unrooted clones? and also 12 is 12. No matter what. They all count. This one is, for sure, safe... thanks
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    kitty's flower garden part 2

    Hi all, Gave up on the dig and flagged it for later. Excavations can quickly turn into an archeological dig. Didn't do myself any favors moving 8X8 X16 solid [grouted up] blocks around, bolstering the edge of the raised bed. Got a bit more to do, but can start planting. Shelled my seed corn...
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    Cactus soil?

    Cacti can grow in a lot of soil types . Clay to sand, but I have never seen one growing in a high humus type soil in nature....and a few grow around here. Most prefer a sandy type. You have to be careful with's very easy to overwater.
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    Help! Science Project with my Son

    can you use the "soil inoculate for legumes" in hydro? or is it needed?
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    Help! Science Project with my Son

    As far as light... mine are good with full sun. Pole beans are sort of like indeterminate tomatoes for me. Grasshoppers and cold [frost] stop them. They may have upper/lower limit temps for "fruit set". Using beans in hydro is an interest project. Seems like most the stuff normally grown this...
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    when buying plants from a store

    ... and enjoy taking the time to do it. philosophy... people that are in a hurry for fear of missing something are usually speeding right by IT.
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    when buying plants from a store

    I lived in Amish country in northern IN. They've gone commercial and are capitalizing on the quaint old ways. Google Middlebury IN. really amazing to watch them do an old fashioned barn raising. There was a tornado that ripped thru the area and we were privileged to see them work...almost like...