Search results

  1. TheGreenBiologist

    simple nutrient advice,from A.N.users

    Wooooord I use the exact same nutes! Haha Jack's Classic 20-20-20 for vegging, and the 10-30-20 for flowering. I'm not really sure what you mean by "diluted by 1/4". The directions on the back will give you some good guidelines. However, the amount of nutes you can use depends on numerous...
  2. TheGreenBiologist

    Dont want to grow a tree..

    Topping will achieve your goal by slowing the vertical growth-rate and allowing the plants to bush-out, but if you FIM your plant you will see better results. If you really want to keep a...
  3. TheGreenBiologist

    Cold weather and resin production/flowering times

    I'll shed some light! 1) Resin output is not so much dependent on temperature as much as it is dependent on the humidity of the environment (as well as the genetics). The plant produces the resin for many reasons, but one of the main reasons is to prevent desiccation (drying-out). In an...
  4. TheGreenBiologist

    Female, or hermy?

    Unfortunately yes. And we can all say that without a shadow of a doubt. The pollen sacs are clear as day in all the pictures, not to mention the absence of pistils. The pistils will stand-out and scream "I'm a Female!" haha. You can definitely trust us!
  5. TheGreenBiologist

    Quik Question DWC Grow: What are some Good Enxpensive Nutes? This is what I use. Works very well, and is VERY cheap. I bought two containers (20-20-20 and 10-20-30) from a local store for $7.00 each. And unless I change to a big-scale grow soon, they're pretty much gonna last me 20 years haha.
  6. TheGreenBiologist

    Female, or hermy?

    It looks like a male to me (based on pic#1). I only see pollens sacs, and very thin vegetative growth. You may be mistaking those thin leaves for pistils. When a plant is in the flowering-cycle, it still produces new vegetative growth, yet the rate is obviously much lower than the veg.-stage...
  7. TheGreenBiologist

    Of course, anytime! I wouldn't consider myself a complete pro just yet, but I feel as though...

    Of course, anytime! I wouldn't consider myself a complete pro just yet, but I feel as though I'm on my way! : ) You are definitely right about the fact that I know how it feels to be a noob, that's fo sho! haha. But I am definitely flexing my green thumbs now! For nutes, I use this...
  8. TheGreenBiologist

    15 sprouts. What do I do now ?

    Dude, seriously. Unless God is posting on RIU, you're not going to find out for awhile...
  9. TheGreenBiologist

    Clones: Wilting

    Yea I'm pretty sure most people have some sort of dome over top, in order to keep the environment humid.
  10. TheGreenBiologist

    CFL Grow Help.

    As stated above. You want bulbs which emit a stronger blue wavelength for vegging, these are the "cool-white" colored bulbs (5k and up). And you want the bulbs which emit a stronger red wavelength for flowering, these are the "warm-white" colored bulbs (~2,700K).
  11. TheGreenBiologist

    Clones: Wilting

    Keep the environment humid as sh*t! This will allow the shoot system (and the soil) to not lose so much water to the environment. Your clones will root a lot quicker and more effectively. And should "stand" better as well.
  12. TheGreenBiologist

    Plants too tiny

    It sounds like your plants are very stunted. My little ones are 28 days old from seed and are already over a foot tall (would be taller but I fimmed about 4-5days ago). You should have been giving them some nutes after the second week. What exactly are the plants sitting in? Soil/Medium...
  13. TheGreenBiologist

    Newbie Hydro grow

    I wouldn't recommend going hydroponically for your first grow. It may be too much to try to take-in. I would suggest going with a container grow, so that you can learn the ropes to growing (especially what signs to look for in your plants.) If you still want to go hydroponically, the...
  14. TheGreenBiologist

    after i trim my plants so i can dry all of my buds....

    Yea I posted on of those threads awhile ago as well Searching is KEY before posting.
  15. TheGreenBiologist

    Container Size for Outdoor Grows?

    5-gallon buckets, buried flush with the existing soil-layer FTW!
  16. TheGreenBiologist

    Can't find old FAQ...???

    Thanks guys we appreciate it!
  17. TheGreenBiologist

    Can't find old FAQ...???

    This is getting bumped until answered haha. I KNOW that I'm not the only person who is having trouble finding it!
  18. TheGreenBiologist

    Can't find old FAQ...???

    Bump for two stoners who can't find their beloved FAQ!
  19. TheGreenBiologist

    Can't find old FAQ...???

    I haven't been on in a few weeks, but I just hopped-on and saw our fresh new layout! I'm just having trouble finding the old FAQ (the compilation of posts, styled as a growing guide). The new FAQ seems to not be the one I was looking for. Any ideas??
  20. TheGreenBiologist

    WTF worm in soil .....

    Having worms in your soil is a good thing! First off, it's a sign that you have healthy soil, capable of supporting life. Second off (as mentioned above) worms help break down the organic matter in your soil, into things which the plant can uptake easier. They also help aerate your soil. My...