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  1. TheGreenBiologist

    my first grow cfl in soil with pics journal

    I was reading through the FAQ to find you another suggestion for nutes and found this: I rotate fert blends as the plant *requires* them, not because it is "the thing to do." For example, when your plants are going thru the stretch phase during early flowering, they may need more N, especially...
  2. TheGreenBiologist

    13 white widow 11 days growing IM NERVOUS HELP!

    It is a little small but nothing to be too alarmed about. I've never used the rockwool cube before so that may play a part in the slow growth. But I'm starting some white rhino right now and they are also really short, bushy though. So it may just be the genetics of the strain your growing...
  3. TheGreenBiologist

    How full to fill the jars for the best cure?

    I was always told 3/4 - 7/8 full
  4. TheGreenBiologist

    n00b, slow growth?

    I would throw some 'cool' lights on there too. From the looks of it, they look like 'warm' bulbs. Warm bulbs are best for flowering and cool bulbs are best for sprouting/vegging. You can also do a combination during vegging, that works too. But otherwise, they are looking nice!
  5. TheGreenBiologist

    my first grow cfl in soil with pics journal

    They are looking very pretty to me. Make sure all the bulbs you're using are 'warm' and not 'cool' but as far as it looks, it looks right to me. I think your buds should be a liiiiittle bigger if they have been flowering for 25 days already. If I we're you I would get some feed with a little...
  6. TheGreenBiologist

    what do you think~ Smells like hay and kind of piney....need help~

    You called it again, only time will tell. There are so many factors that affect it (DNA of the plant, how much/often did the grower feed em, how much nutes he used, did he flush) So basically yea only time will tell haha. But I would say that within one-two weeks you should definitely notice...
  7. TheGreenBiologist

    can someone reccomend some nutes that i can get at my local home depot?

    home depot should have a bunch of stuff, but a local plant-supply store is even better. I personally used 20-20-20 during the veg-cycle and a 10-30-20 during flowering. The kind I found at local plant-supply store was called Jack's Classic. My cycle would go like this, and my plants were in...
  8. TheGreenBiologist

    The Church...New grower

    hahahaha that is the best name for a strain I've heard in awhile. It's looking like it is growing very strong for being 6 weeks old. I'm sure it is a female if you bought feminized seeds. You really can't tell at this point in it's life, everything is just new growth right now (no...
  9. TheGreenBiologist

    How much longer till harvest ? ? ?

    Their looking really good! I would say about two more weeks until there finished. Welcome to riu!
  10. TheGreenBiologist

    help with flowering plants

    Sounds like you should keep em going for another week or two. You don't wanna cut too early or else you miss the window of peak-potency. Unfortunately your gonna hear this at EVERY stage of this looong process and that's patience is a virtue :-( I'm not very patient though, so it's pretty hard...
  11. TheGreenBiologist

    what do you think~ Smells like hay and kind of piney....need help~

    and don't forget about the FAQ at the top of the page, it's a gold-mind of knowledge! FAQ ---> 2. How to grow marijuana. ---> Harvesting & curing That should help!
  12. TheGreenBiologist

    what do you think~ Smells like hay and kind of piney....need help~

    yea your right on that one. Chances are between the grower drying it and you finishing the dry in your closet, they will probably be good to stay in the jars for days without any burping/opening (except when you wanna smoke:blsmoke:)
  13. TheGreenBiologist

    Keeping flowering plants in the dark?

    Yea you will be safe! If anything it will just hasten the flowering a liiiittle bit. But your friend is right, prolonged light to a flowering plant is worse than prolonged dark.
  14. TheGreenBiologist


    That's awesome I never knew the tour would be that cool! haha I say you just name the strain 'Bob' or even 'Late Great'
  15. TheGreenBiologist

    Bag seed first grow

    Looking very nice!. Make sure you give it some flowering-nutes and your money. It's looking very healthy though!
  16. TheGreenBiologist

    First grow end of 8th week flowering

    Looking nice! and looking about two weeks away from harvest, enjoy!
  17. TheGreenBiologist

    what do you think~ Smells like hay and kind of piney....need help~

    It looks like some ok bud to me. Luckily for you, you fell upon the best marijuana forum around :blsmoke:hahaha. But your right, if it feels a little wet and smells a little piney (or organic-like) then the grower was probably too impatient and rushed to sell his crop soon after cutting it...
  18. TheGreenBiologist

    ready for harvest???????

    I would say within the next week. How long has she been flowering? Lookin good!
  19. TheGreenBiologist

    what water to use from the store

    Get it from your faucet, and let it sit in your grow-room for 24-hours. This distills the water, and makes the water the same temp. as your plants, causing even less stress.
  20. TheGreenBiologist

    Think I can get a pound outta this¿?

    I see you getting a half-ounce from that plant. Looks healthy, but I don't lie