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  1. B

    CXB 3590 CB Build

    Yea they are still very healthy, 90% of the leaves are fine, but i never seem to be able to get this under control. I add water as i see the ppms increase. I think i may try add more Magnesium and see where that takes me.
  2. B

    CXB 3590 CB Build

    Ppms at about 1400. This is day 28 of flower got another 30-35 days left. My leaves are suffering which is normal for me at this stage in the cycle. If anyone has any input on ways to remedy this then let me know below. Thanks
  3. B

    8 CXB3590 SCROG

    Looking good man. The plants are looking really healthy. Ill be posting some pics up tonight!
  4. B

    CXB 3590 CB Build

    Been a long ass week
  5. B

    8 CXB3590 SCROG

    I think thats fungas gnats that attack the roots. Thrips just munch the leaves, id much rather thrips, then spidermites! Yea preflowers do indicate maturity that she can be flowered. Ive got 3 drivers 1 per panel. I use the 1500w 13A timers the push and pull ones. I just plug the drivers into...
  6. B

    8 CXB3590 SCROG

    Shit dude that stem is crazy! 3 months veg you should hit some crazy yield off of that. Ive got thrips in my tent, there very annoying and do cause damage to the leaves. Not enough for me to worry about. I think ladybugs are pretty harmless. Do you have a scope at all? I think the onset of...
  7. B

    CXB 3590 CB Build

    Thats great results, like i said with hps im accustomed to seeing about .6 - .7 gpw. Shes a nice yielder Not really a heavy one so 1gpw would be great. Ive seen a couple growers hit higher then that like captain morgan i think hitting 1.5. Wow 2gpw would be out of this world i cant see me doing...
  8. B

    CXB 3590 CB Build

    These pictures are about 4 days old. The plants are doing great. PPMs are still around 1400 - Plants are drinking a ton of water. Some of the smaller plants before the flip (about 4) havent quite caught up with the rest but with the cobs it doesn't matter too much. This is probably one of the...
  9. B

    cxb3070 3000k AD 800w draw 4x4 tent

    You think the phosphorous def could be from the higher intensity lighting in comparison to the last run?
  10. B

    8 CXB3590 SCROG

    Hey when will you be uploading pics? I think I'm about 3 days ahead of you 12/12 wise. Would be good to see if we share stuff we notice with the cobs. Thanks
  11. B

    OMG what's this mean

  12. B

    CXB 3590 CB Build

    Just a quick update. Done a res change yesterday. Maintaining Ppms at 1400-1500. Plants are drinking some stupid amounts of water. Canopy is looking great. Thanks for following along
  13. B

    8 CXB3590 SCROG

    Won't a potentiometer do the same thing? I wish i added dimming to my light sooner! I wouldn't drop the temps any lower if you can avoid it... in fact id try adding some heat if it can be done.
  14. B

    Don't Break My Heart!!!!!!!!

    you take great care and photos of your plants! Good to watch, masterclass in Low stress Training.
  15. B

    My second attempt at vertical

    That looks pretty good. How much longer will you let them go for?
  16. B

    DIY CXB3590 Do i have enough light to flower?

    That looks good. im running at 50w/sqft and they look very healthy.
  17. B

    8 CXB3590 SCROG

    you mabe want an outtake with a filter if you need to be cautious about you hobby. id also just get an outtake for air exchange as it will provide a better environment for them.
  18. B

    CXB 3590 CB Build

    We were using a 600w digital HPS for flowering with a parabolic reflector. I think our max yield was about 16.5 ounces per light. With our usual gpw sitting at 0.6 to 0.7. Plant reactions ive noticed are the following: Faster growth - These plants were almost killed at the beginning from our...
  19. B

    CXB 3590 CB Build

    Yea using the 3000k. What have you noticed with the deep reds? Yea this strain should stretch grown her for almost 2 years - same cutting. Its crazy watching how she reacts to the new lighting. But i must say ive never seen her express herself like this... but I like it!
  20. B

    CXB 3590 CB Build

    Thanks I appreciate it. Im glad they started behaving because we never got off to a great start. Funny you mentioned that. Ive been thinking about stretch and im sure there is less than im used to seeing. Im not moaning about it to be honest as stretch annoys the fuck out of me. Im using...