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  1. Lord Dangly Bits

    A bit of help please

    Are you sure both plants have the same exact conditions? Did you germ them from seeds or are they from clones of the same mother. I am not sure of what the problem is, but when I was reading your post, I had Root trouble pop to mind. If they are from seeds, it might be that they are two...
  2. Lord Dangly Bits

    Whats wrong with my plants?

    2 gallons to 3 plants in 5 gallon pots does not seem to be enough. I bet the bottom 1/3 of your pots are bone dry. That is only .6666 gallons per 5 gallons of soil. My 6 foot plants get 1 gallon of water every 2 days, in 2 gallon grow bags of Coco Coire Just my Opinion. :)
  3. Lord Dangly Bits

    Help, Growing seeds in Calyx's

    Polline can float in the air for miles. You can have a female plant pollinated without having a male or one turning Hermie. One of your neighbors could have a male that puts pollin in the air and is sucked into your room. Odds are not high, but they are there.
  4. Lord Dangly Bits

    Foliar feeding with epsom salts

    Yes, I had to. I just could not help myself. hehehehe My plants are lucky if they get misted 1-2 times with plain water in their life. To me it is a big waste of time. and causes more trouble then good.
  5. Lord Dangly Bits

    Foliar feeding with epsom salts

    Foliar feeding with Epsom salt is almost as good a wifes tell as plants loving to have all the fan leafs plucked off. If you have a cal def, then either use tap water or go buy some cal/mag. The other one I love is when someone says, "You must let your water sit for 24 hours to allow the...
  6. Lord Dangly Bits

    help please !!!!! plants shrivelling up

    Put shallow tubs of water around the room. The more surface area you have for the water, the better it will evaporate. Make sure to get a humidifier that does not put off a lot of heat.
  7. Lord Dangly Bits

    help please !!!!! plants shrivelling up

    Your Humidity is only 5%??? Are you sure about this? I used to live in Las vegas where the outdoor humidity was between 3%-18%, but you would still have about 30%++ inside your house because of Breathing, Dishes, toilet, showers and other things. 5% humidity will pretty much suck the moisture...
  8. Lord Dangly Bits

    himalayan blue diesel yellow patches on leaves

    I have been growing in coco now for four years. And still can not understand why anyone would add perlite to Coco. Most people that add perlite to coco also do other things that are ment for Soil like Epsom salt and manure and crap like that. If you want to put these types of things in your...
  9. Lord Dangly Bits

    Nutrient Defficency??? Please Help Identitfy

    Yah hit those SOB's with some Ancient Orange!!! :)
  10. Lord Dangly Bits

    wilttering, can i save it?

    Those two clear lines are for two air stones, right? What temp is the rez? Are they all the same strain? How many crops do you have under your belt, that made it to a fruitful harvest?
  11. Lord Dangly Bits

    plants were fully under water from hurricane flood - HELP!

    Small dirt particals will be stuck to the trichomes. That might be hard to just rinse away. It might take time. And that water might have looked clean, but I doubt it was.
  12. Lord Dangly Bits

    White Rhino not flowering.

    Why are you watering them so little, so often. Give those girls a good heavy watering then check back in 3-4 days. Also, are these plants in your back yard with a big flood light that comes on and off all night? or stays on.
  13. Lord Dangly Bits

    Nutrient Defficency??? Please Help Identitfy

    Pretty sure HomeDepot has it. Remember to spray the under side of your leafs.
  14. Lord Dangly Bits

    Nutrient Defficency??? Please Help Identitfy

    Sure looks like bugs are eating your plants to me. Look under the leafs. You might check them early in the morning also, when no light is on them. Some bugs hide during day light.
  15. Lord Dangly Bits

    White Rhino not flowering.

    Yes, Do not always believe what you read.Pretty sure you are still getting 14-15 hours of light. You sure seem to be watering and feeding them a lot. why is that?
  16. Lord Dangly Bits

    plants were fully under water from hurricane flood - HELP!

    I would just leave it be. disturbing it would probably cause more damage then good.
  17. Lord Dangly Bits

    Possible nute burn. Please help

    Your target PH for soil is 6.8. 5.5 is way to low for soil. I have been growing in Coco Coire for the last 4 years. How i do it with coco is if i need to raise the PH of my medium by 1.3 I would water or feed them with about .6 higher then my target. so for you I would water them with 7.2 PH...
  18. Lord Dangly Bits

    Possible nute burn. Please help

    Doesn't that soil of yours have time released nutrients already in it? Nut burn for me usually starts at the tips and edges. What kind of PH you feeding them at? What is the PH is that soil? Does that Perlite also have Nutrients in it like some of the MG crap does? How much perlite did you put...
  19. Lord Dangly Bits

    plants were fully under water from hurricane flood - HELP!

    Right on!! If you have (4) weeks left for them to grow and get rained on and such. I would think they might be able to naturally clean themself. If not you might end up smoking some true Dirty Weed. :) I hope the harm to your plants is the only thing that happened to you and your family.
  20. Lord Dangly Bits

    Dragon Juice?

    Sounds like Snake Oil to me.