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  1. AimAim

    Yellowing/ pale green new leaves 4 weeks flowering. all help appreciated

    100% completely common for a plant later in life. Flushing will make any problem worse. Just give another N feeding as per your schedule.
  2. AimAim

    Nute to keep plant from getting too tall and more bushy?

    If you are snapping them then that might be a little late in the cycle. I used to tie over a lot but have found squeezing the stem it quicker, cleaner and just as effective. When the stems get bigger Instead of one "smash point" do like 4 -6 smaller points along a 6-8" length of stem and get...
  3. AimAim

    Seedlings always dying

    Damping off is the biggest killer of seedlings. Hundreds of articles on it. Use sterile starter medium and the moment they pop give them plenty of air. If the stems at the soil line shrivel and turn kind of grey that is damping off.
  4. AimAim


    Growing outdoors you are at the mercy of the weather. Blazing hot and dry where watering becomes a chore, then 4 weeks of rain right at cutdown time. Then you can have a perfect growing year the next. Indoors more controlled of course. Your best outdoor plant will dwarf your best indoor on...
  5. AimAim

    Growing White Widow: I Need Some Advice

    No I burned some candles too. Hah ! Shit no, this was under a 600 with 10 CFL sidelights @ 45 - 60 Actual watt. So it was pushing 1200 Watts for the room. Now I added a 125 LED, About all that place can take. That bright white glow behind the plants (in pic attached) are the 10 CFL buried...
  6. AimAim

    Growing White Widow: I Need Some Advice

    Thats all I can tie out, can't get them wider or wont fit in room
  7. AimAim

    Growing White Widow: I Need Some Advice

    Heres a couple I grew a few yrs back I train them out and 6 barely fit in a 5 x 5 grow space. I never touch a leaf till it's brown, You can see colas burried in the leaf mass. love this plant.
  8. AimAim

    Question about water

    Understood. But doubt your plants have your discriminating standards. Watered outdoors for 30 years with pretty disgusting pond / river water. Again don't pussify your plants they will drink anything.
  9. AimAim

    How much do you trim in an hour?

    Lots of buried truth in this.
  10. AimAim

    Question about water

    What are you filtering out, exactly?
  11. AimAim

    Question about water

    Use your tap water. White stuff is calcium primarily. MJ likes calcium and other minerals. Every homeowner uses tap water to water flowers, houseplants, lawns veggies turfgrass etc. with no problem. Don't pussify your weed thinking it is needing anything different than he water that comes out of...
  12. AimAim

    How much do you trim in an hour?

    Depends: wet or dry weight, structure of buds, how nice a job he actually did. I am pretty positive I could trim one lb in 1.5 but I would be using my Black & Decker hedge trimmer. I do about 2 oz/hr dry but I take it slow and easy on the Fiskars, distracted by wife and tv news and beer...
  13. AimAim

    advise on controlling height of 3 sativas in 2x4 tent (5 feet height)

    I can top, LST, and bend and keep a sativa at 3', but if they are already 5' might be late at topping, certainly would not hesitate to do it at 5' if heigth was going to cause problems. Just squish the stems and bend them over, maybe tie them down and try to keep them all the same height.Heres...
  14. AimAim

    Please help. Week 2 in flowering. Fan leaves dying.

    Will venture 2 guesses because you have 2 symptoms: #1) browning / yellowing tips are often a heat problem, or moisture prob if you got them a little dry last watering or 2. Same thing actually, these 2 probs are identical in symptoms and caused by same thing...... leaves dried out a bit from...
  15. AimAim

    what humidity should i set up during harvest

    I personally think temp is more important than humidity generally. I can tweak my exhaust fan, and a small space heater and other small factors and got it dialed in where I run 80F lights on, 60 lights off consistantly, just takes some fiddling to figure out your setup. I grow in an unfinished...
  16. AimAim

    Purple leaves, slow growth

    Ouch. Wrong again. Screwed by the metric system. Your gallons, they are a wee bit heavy. :cool:
  17. AimAim

    bodhi seeds

  18. AimAim

    Purple leaves, slow growth

    FWIW a gallon of water is 8.35 pounds, not 10 pounds. If you are going to toss numbers around make sure they are somewhat accurate.
  19. AimAim

    How much bud can I take with me?

    0.00 ounces, or 0.00 grams, either one is the legal import limit.
  20. AimAim

    Hmm cant put my finger on this problem

    2 - 3 weeks and you are good. 3 weeks probably.