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  1. AimAim

    Hmm cant put my finger on this problem

    Typical fading plants, nothing out of the ordinary.
  2. AimAim

    What's wrong with my plant now? (Pictures)

    Let it get really dry between waterings. Protip kind of. Let soil dry enough the soil pulls away from the pot like 1/4 inch My watering method: Put soil pots big platic pan, about 4" deep in water nute then let them suck it up from below for like close to one hour. Then about 1/2 gallon from...
  3. AimAim

    Cannarado genetics

    Gonna stay out of the pissing match and just say those girls are green. Like GREEN green. Perfect 100% Color, Love It ! Whatever you are doing just keep it going on.
  4. AimAim

    Problems Saving Seeds

    No, but that was good ! After germinating on paper towels we go out and strip most of the leaves off our plants because they get in the way.
  5. AimAim

    Problems Saving Seeds

    45 years of gardening and agriculture leads me to believe this is just another robust plant grown for a couple thousand years at least. Stupid internet theories are just that. Flushing, defoliating, etc are things never done to ag crops. Put yer seed in the soil and stand back, all I can say.
  6. AimAim

    Problems Saving Seeds

    I have actually seen this happen but not with our favorite plant. I have seen it happen on sunflowers, field corn, & milo comes to mind. It takes prolonged damp warm conditions and by that point you are probably dealing w/botrysis bud rot anyway. When seed of any type begins germination it's a...
  7. AimAim

    Problems Saving Seeds

    Excess moisture can cause beans to split. Not sure actually, kind of wierd. If they split they have broken dormancy and may not be viable beyond the immediate future. I store seeds in fridge with a handfull of uncooked rice as a dessicant and have close to 100% germ at 5 years.
  8. AimAim

    Water uptake has slowed

    Later in flower, if you start dropping lower leaves (normal for many strains) you will for sure use less water. It is "evaporotranspiration", water being lost through transpiration of the plant leaf surface, and evaporation from the soil surface. So these things change over time. Best bet is...
  9. AimAim

    1st timer, set up suggestions

    You will get more bang for the $ if you turn those CFLs sideways, parallel to the ground. Most light comes out sideways (perpendicular to the axis) of the bulb. Just take Take off the hoods, hook a light wire toward the tip of the bulb and hook it to the hanging wire, to where the bulb hangs...
  10. AimAim

    Does this HPS bulb look ok?

    Completely normal. It takes a couple days for the new growth to develop chlorophyll and appear green. N deficiency shows up on the oldest lower leaves.
  11. AimAim

    What would be a good grow light KIT for a newb from amazon?

    I have had great luck with Apollo stuff. Not top of the line but I'm on my 8th grow, some quick math suggests I have 10,000 hours on the ballast and not a single problem. I got my kit with a cool tube but upgraded after a couple grows to a square hood like this...
  12. AimAim

    moving plants outside for afew hours?

    As long as they do not actually freeze this will have no effect. 50F morning temp is nothing to this plant.
  13. AimAim

    I must be out of my mind! I was having a bit of issue with foliage, here's what a newbie should not

    You vandalized your own plants ? Now they're gonna put a bunch of energy into growing a new set of leaves, not bud. They will live but you have put a big dent in your bottom line.
  14. AimAim

    Light contamination in the final weeks. Advice?

    If I am doing the math right, then you noticed this about a week after the last incident. Those leaves are covered with trichomes, which take a fair time to develop. In other words they look pretty old and actually they look completely normal in my opinion.
  15. AimAim

    11 weeks into flowering. Burnt main cola.

    That is kind of strange. I'd cut all the brown portion off. Gotta be pretty loaded w/goodies by now, if not worth smoking I'd throw it in a batch of butter trimmings.
  16. AimAim

    Should I flip to 12/12 or wait?

    I would flip immediately, that is about the size I flip and I can see how much lateral room you have left. (Not much). If it were me I'd do some LST right now, tie or bend some branches out to help with symmetry aand height, and flip immediately. All you want is wall to wall leaves and you...
  17. AimAim

    Not nute burn. Almost over!

    Look pretty good for that age, I don't see a problem. Are the plants that have the symptoms the same strain ? Something has obviously caused it but I get all sorts of discolorations toward the end and don't ever worry as long as there is plenty of green overall. Look at it from 10' away not...
  18. AimAim

    styrofoam beads instead of perlite in hempy system?

    Perlite is made by mining a volcanic obsidian type rock, crushing it, superheating it, and it pops like popcorn into like 15X it's original size. So it's a 100% organic material. Sometimes you willl see a slight Nutrient NPK analysis on a bag like 0.04-0.01-0.06. Typical elemental Chemical...
  19. AimAim

    Is this bud hermied????

    That looks like classic over-fertilizatrion, i.e. "the N claw".
  20. AimAim

    Top of plants touching reflective material bad?

    Pic would be nice. Bend it hard whatever direction you want it to go.