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  1. F

    Switching to Flower and just flushed,please help with question

    anyone? i would really like to know what u guys suggest?
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    Switching to Flower and just flushed,please help with question

    hey everyone thank you for visting my thread. I just flushed yesterday with sledgehammer because im going into flowering. now when should i hang up my my hood and HPS light? should i just do it today and then gived them my Flower nutes when they are hungry? or should i switch to my HPS light the...
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    Leaf / Plant problems! Please help!! P.S. My first post ever...

    yes RO is the best water to flush with, and also with a balanced PH level for your hydro grow
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    Droopy and Clawing

    I have never herd of this before
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    veg plants not looking good, Pics included, curling down and yellowing

    not sure exactly what type the LSDs are but they are LSD from barney seeds, if its nute burn should i flush them? and does anyone else think they are nute burn or anything else?? thanks for all the replies
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    veg plants not looking good, Pics included, curling down and yellowing

    No this is a different strain, im growing 5 l.s.d.'s and one bubble gum strain. My last grow was Alaskan thunder fuck and had no problem with that strain at all, it grew big and bushy and got almost a half a pound on each plant. This l.s.d. strain is giving me a really hard time and can't tell...
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    veg plants not looking good, Pics included, curling down and yellowing

    The lights I use in veg are T5's its 6 lamp fluorescent lights, it covers all 6 plants and I've used it in previous grows with outstanding results. I would be surprised its nuts burn since I use half the recommended dose the first few weeks with every other watering, if it is nuts burn should I...
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    veg plants not looking good, Pics included, curling down and yellowing

    I forgot to mention I used rootbastic the first week and half, but only half the recommended dose of .7 ml which made my roots shoot out everywhere, really good stuff
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    veg plants not looking good, Pics included, curling down and yellowing

    Hi everyone and thanks for checking my thread out. my plants are about 3-4 weeks old in veg and i have 6 plants growing. most of the plants are not looking to good. 1 of them all the the new leaves are skinny and curling down. this started to happen about a week ago. and another plant is started...
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    Humbodlt Vs FoxFarms

    Both are not very good to use.. I work at a hydro store and get many people coming in saying that they lost at least 10% yeild going with humbodlt nutes. and fox farm, well its fox farm and there are plenty of reasons why i wouldnt go that route.. if u wanna try something new and worth the...
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    What should my yield be? 600 watt 4x4 Tent. Any estimates?

    Exactly what i would say
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    Rookie Canna and Coco Grow. Lsd & Blue Mystic Led Style!

    hey chronicdoom, u can start you CO2 now if u want, CO2 is not met just for flowering stage... also is that a 1 gallon pot u are using right now? i could be mistaking but it looks small. i would definitely be in the 3 gal stage for your plants, because by now your roots need to breathe and grow...
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    Rookie Canna and Coco Grow. Lsd & Blue Mystic Led Style!

    hey chronic doom, i been following your journal and good job on it... its awsome that you are doing your lsd strain right now because i am growing the same strain and u are only a few days ahead of me :) i am using a T5 6lamp light, im using root organic 707 medium, and im fertalizing it with...
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    need help understanding the drying and curing phase... "ed rosenthal's growers book"

    cured then dried? no... first take all the large leaves off the night before harvest, then the next day cut your plant down and hang em upside down for 1-5 days, depending on how fast you buds dry, trimming is a lot more convenient when the outer buds are not as wet, but u don't want your buds...
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    Question about Flushing.

    i wouuld start flushiung now man, if they are 25% cloudy and u are 9 weeks in flowering.
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    1st grow and im about to harverst pls help with flush question

    HaHa what? im sorry man i don't understand what u just said there.
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    1st grow and im about to harverst pls help with flush question

    yea i was thinking about just skipping flushing like a lot of people seem to be doing it seems lately.. and it does make some sense on not flushing do to the fact that people don't flush there tomato plants when they harvest so why flush marijuana plants? however, i am worried about the taste if...
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    1st grow and im about to harverst pls help with flush question

    oh yea inspected the tri's and there about 50/50 on cloudy and amber, i know everything is looking good and ready to be harvested. im just ready to flush and just wasnt sure on the sledgehammer part. and im using chemical nutes in soil by the way
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    1st grow and im about to harverst pls help with flush question

    of course i googled it, i been googling it all day, but i havent found a link that tells u how to flush with solutions such as mine which is sledgehammer.. do i put the sledgehammer in as i would with nutes.. 2.5 ml per gallon, or do i put 2.5ml per gallon in 15 gallons of water, and water it...