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  1. RyaNayR

    Hustla's latest, widow & rhino in soil

    you should be good upto 90F. but your plants are gonna grow like crazy under that hps, so just make sure you raise it up when you need to. looking very nice so far, keep up the good work!
  2. RyaNayR

    RyaNayR's Grow Journal

    Thanks for stopping by. here's some pics from today. the rhino and the big one are growing nicely, and all but one seedling has popped up. My White Rhino stretched like crazy though, but I think it was from when i was gone the first two days and it wasn't right under the lights. The rhino is 5...
  3. RyaNayR

    Plants yellowing 1 week into veg

    I have no idea what my lumen output is, these lights came preinstalled in this fixture, but they're both regular 27 watt cfl's. You may have something with the sparying there. Their first week, I only sprayed them and nothing else, then went to just watering fully every few days. And come to...
  4. RyaNayR

    Minor plant problems

    Get some pictures on here if you can, it helps more than you can imagine. The bugs are likely spider mites, which are a common problem. You should try to gently clean the tops and undersides of the leaves using a damp cloth or sponge, and maybe a pesticide soap that won't harm the plants. I...
  5. RyaNayR

    RyaNayR's Grow Journal

    thanks, i have high hopes for this batch. hopefully they don't get screwed up again. but i can safely say i'll get at least an ounce out of all this, considering how many plants i have, i definately want more though and i think it will be.
  6. RyaNayR

    Hustla's latest, widow & rhino in soil

    i've got a white rhino growing myself, and it actually looks almost like yours, just a couple days behind. i suppose we can compare eachothers rhinos as they grow. I'll be watching this grow a lot. you can check out mine if you want, it's in my sig.
  7. RyaNayR

    RyaNayR's Grow Journal

    Here's the first seedling of the new batch. I'm pretty sure it's White Rhino. and some seeds ready to be planted, theres some white rhino in there too i think. I ended up with more seedlings then i expected, but it's not a big deal. I'll just put the two or 3 sickly ones off to the side and...
  8. RyaNayR

    Plants yellowing 1 week into veg

    i'm using two 27 watt cfl's. I think the MG soil has nutes in it like mine, that's why your tips are brown, just a guess though. mine also has poor drainage so my plants got overwatered easily. nute burn/suffocation. They were also stunted at a week in and stopped growing all together for a...
  9. RyaNayR

    Plants yellowing 1 week into veg

    now the leaf tips are just dieing and turning brown like nute burn or heat burn. i'm not sure which but it hasn't gotten better since i raised the lights up so i'm going with nute burn. i'm thinking that since they're getting nute burned the yellowing is probably overwatering. as i said, i...
  10. RyaNayR

    Hustla's latest, widow & rhino in soil

    your big widow is looking real nice. its a survivor from your hydro disaster right? it seems to be loving the soil and thriving now. they all look like their off to a good start. keep up the good work!
  11. RyaNayR

    RyaNayR's Grow Journal

    got 3 seeds to sprout, but i left one in the paper towel and the top plate got knocked off without me realizing it, so it dried out and died, but i have some more seeds germing and i planted the other two and one has popped out. I can't belive how fast they shot out tap roots though, it only...
  12. RyaNayR

    Hustla's latest, widow & rhino in soil

    good to know theres still some luck on your side, even if the hydro grow never saw any of that luck. Not to jinx it or anything, but i bet these ones are going to grow great and put out lots of bud. Good luck with your second attempt man. I've been having problems throughout my grow so I...
  13. RyaNayR

    My 4 little babies

    eh, they look sick to me, but it's not that great of a picture so i can't really tell. but their probably doing better than mine :lol: also nice an short, good job with the lighting.
  14. RyaNayR

    RyaNayR's Grow Journal

    Well its day 29 and my plants look like their only a week in, but two are starting to grow again; the first one to sprout up and the last one to sprout. Strange coincidence or something, but anyway here's some pics. Hopefully they keep growing and get nice n big for me. I took out the base...
  15. RyaNayR

    Plants yellowing 1 week into veg

    well, the lights seem prertty cool to me (they're cfl's), but i'll back them off a couple inches and maybe the soil will dry more evenly, and not get bone dry. I still need ideas on what the hell is wrong with them. I have theories but they're just that, theories. The problem is still there...
  16. RyaNayR

    Plants yellowing 1 week into veg

    The cans can't be the reason, because even the ones not planted in cans are having the same problem, plus the cans are coated on the inside with a plastic to keep the contents from being exposed to aluminum. And they all have holes. I just did some research and apparently the roots are...
  17. RyaNayR

    RyaNayR's Grow Journal

    They're all recovering nicely and growing new foliage. here's some pics.
  18. RyaNayR

    Plants yellowing 1 week into veg

    Thanks for the tutorial, I'll be looking at that one a lot. Here's some pics of the plants 19 days in. They're really stunted, but they're recovering and growing new foliage.
  19. RyaNayR

    Plants yellowing 1 week into veg

    Alright, thanks for the advice. What exactly do you mean by "the soil is too hot"? as in temperature or nutes? Also, I have no idea where to find that tutorial, so if you could give me a link to it, I'd appreciate it.
  20. RyaNayR

    Plants yellowing 1 week into veg

    Hey they're not dead yet, so hold back on the 'next grow' stuff. :lol: Actually I think they're recovering. I saw one drooping from needing water yesterday and I watered them all. Checked again today about 5 hours ago, and they have new leaves forming, and the yellowing seems to have stopped...