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  1. RyaNayR

    Plants yellowing 1 week into veg

    I think the soil just doesn't have very good drainage. Last time I watered them a couple days ago, I noticed the water just kinda sat on the surface. Not floating like it was held up by water tension, but it just wouldn't flow down into the soil for about 10 seconds. And I made sure when I...
  2. RyaNayR

    RyaNayR's Grow Journal

    They're all dieing. I overwatered them and now the roots are rotting and growing fungus. I'm leaving them dry for a few days and hopefully they recover, but its not looking good. If they do die however, its not that big of a deal. I'll only have lost 2 weeks, and I have a whole new bag of...
  3. RyaNayR

    Plants yellowing 1 week into veg

    The bugs, from what I've seen of them, don't fly but can jump really far, and are almost microscopic, maybe a millimeter in length. The soil is Scotts brand and the bag says its "premium potting soil". But I think the main problem is root rot, though the bugs may also be an issue later on...
  4. RyaNayR

    Plants yellowing 1 week into veg

    Alright, I'm going to assume the main problem is root rot and I'm just going to let them all dry out and hopefully that helps. How dry should I let them get? or is that even the best thing to do?
  5. RyaNayR

    Plants yellowing 1 week into veg

    When i transplanted them i noticed the roots seem to have somekind of fuzz growing on them. I'm thinking its fungus or something, and that the roots are rotting from too much water. Any ideas on how to fix this? cause now i'm sure that the problem is overwatering and root rot
  6. RyaNayR

    Plants yellowing 1 week into veg

    I'm not sure what they are, they're little white bugs you can barely see that come out when you disturb the soil. I got the soil at Home Depot where it was sitting in it's bag outside in their gardening area.
  7. RyaNayR

    Plants yellowing 1 week into veg

    I haven't been feeding them, but there is a premix of nutes in the soil, and i may have overwatered them. And i'll do the tap water thing from now on too. And i'll repot them once i find some gravel.
  8. RyaNayR

    Plants yellowing 1 week into veg

    Well, the temperature is always 68-75 in that room, but I don't have any ventilation, and if I open the door, it'll let in cigarette smoke, which i doubt is any good for them. But if i put a fan in there, do you think that would be enough without actual fresh air going in? I'll look for those...
  9. RyaNayR

    Plants yellowing 1 week into veg

    Well I just flushed the big one with pure bottled water, which i'm already starting to regret, because if the nutes are released by water, then that means i probably just made it worse. And yes, those are woodchips. I don't like them either but i didn't know they would be in there when i...
  10. RyaNayR

    Plants yellowing 1 week into veg

    I have run into two problems. First off, 4 of 6 plants are turning yellow from the bottom up, leaving the newer leaves perfectly green, just like N def. but its only been a week, and the soil has nutrients premixed into it, which could also be the problem, but it doesn't look like nute burn to...
  11. RyaNayR

    Yellow and Wrinkley Blueberry

    Not to be an ass or anything, but I think the plants were messed up before the guy even thought about superthrive. Still good advice though. I'm having similar problems, but I'll make my own thread for that. I'm thinking it could be those damn time-release nutes that are premixed into my soil...
  12. RyaNayR

    Homegrown nutes?

    What about nutes for flowering?
  13. RyaNayR

    RyaNayR's Grow Journal

    You guys think it would be alright if I put a 100W incandescent in there just for extra light? or is it just a bad idea?
  14. RyaNayR

    RyaNayR's Grow Journal

    I'll just leave it dry until the plant droops a bit from needing water, that should tell me how often to water.
  15. RyaNayR

    RyaNayR's Grow Journal

    Ah, I thought it was fine to feed a little nutes after a week, but I'll hold off for a couple more weeks in that case. You're right about me watching them too much though, i need to not worry about it so much and let them actually grow. How much do you think i should be watering them...
  16. RyaNayR

    RyaNayR's Grow Journal

    Last one popped out. I've got 6 healthy plants now. Not sure why, or if its good or bad, but a couple sprouts have started developing the second leaf set already, one looks like it just forgot about the first pair and abandoned them. I would even say it looked like it was dieing, but the leaves...
  17. RyaNayR

    RyaNayR's Grow Journal

    --Day #6-- Two more just popped up, this grow is looking real nice now. I've started giving the big one some nutes with her water. not too much though, just some very diluted 16-16-16 nutes. (i can't seem to find any high in nitrogen, just generic plant food) The 3rd pair of fan leaves are...
  18. RyaNayR

    RyaNayR's Grow Journal

    Thanks, that's actually very good advice, and a good buddy of mine pretty much told me the same thing. guess i just get too paranoid sometimes.
  19. RyaNayR

    My 4 little babies

    I can't help but laugh at the poor stem :lol: But something bugs me... your day 5 and my day 5 are very different. maybe its just strain though but mine seem a lot further along than that. The two smaller ones are 2 days old and the big one is 5, since they cracked. and i have two more in...
  20. RyaNayR

    RyaNayR's Grow Journal

    Are there going to be any problems with each plant being like a day apart from eachother in growth? There wasn't really much I could do about that...