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  1. Warlock1369

    Browning/Dying Leaves on Satellite Bud Sites

    Looking good. Becareful of spraying raw sugar on them. Ants love that. Also alot of other pest. But the baking soda works with mold. It takes the ph level of the plant out of molds range. But not a good idea to spray alot. You could also rinse with water PHed to around 8 or 9. Some crushed...
  2. Warlock1369

    ever seen this??...anybody at all....

    Looks like it got real cold.
  3. Warlock1369

    T5 HO vs. CFLs?

    I like the T5. Much cooler and plants love it.
  4. Warlock1369

    ZTELTHY :- CO2 T.V CAB H-E-L-P !! ....please :)

    Well here is the thing. You will be wasting time and money running co2 in there. You have it all setup to be changing alot of air. Exhausting the hot air and pulling in cool outside air. Your co2 ppm will never go up much more then the outside ppm of around 300. Only real way to use co2 is...
  5. Warlock1369

    ?'s on Ozone Generator

    They work good but you don't want it dumping into your breathing area. Like your bedroom. It's okay to breath in small amounts but not all the time. They put off O3 so can be hazardus to you and animals.
  6. Warlock1369

    Methods of Drying and Curing

    I like to trim buds leaving them on the branch. Hang and dry. Retrim what is needed and nug them into jars. Cure for atleast 2 weeks.
  7. Warlock1369

    Do Nutrients expire?

    Yes they do. Most 12 months is max. 2009 is way over so trash it.
  8. Warlock1369

    What power Magnafying glass is needed to see trichomes

    Guess I'm the only almost blind guy here. Lol. You old farts know you use high power scopes if you even use them at all anymore. I don't use then for ripe buds but mire for bugs.
  9. Warlock1369

    Browning/Dying Leaves on Satellite Bud Sites

    That's not a bug issue. Your soil is holding in nutes. Slowly burning them. Back off nutes. Water water water feed water water water feed. Had the samething happen to my outdoor. Let it yellow then start adding more P and K flower nutes.
  10. Warlock1369

    I need help

    Germ them then plant 1/2 inch down in solo cups. Up/down/side to side. The seed dosnt care. Let grow till roots real start coming out of the holes you put in the cups from the start. Then to 1 gallon pots. And you might be to erly on this but bottoming. Is great IMO. It's like topping but with...
  11. Warlock1369

    feeding with lights off or on?

    They can go without. I use buckets and don't like roots sitting in standing water that long so I will flood once in 12/12 at night but that was when only hydroton. But flood tables it's not needed.
  12. Warlock1369

    For All Cap Ebb and Grow Users

    I always say don't mix strains unless you know they work together. Same feed same time. Some need less of something others need more. This could be a problem. Can you plant 2 different seeds in soil and grow till you can clone as many as you want? And any freebie autos go ahead and use.
  13. Warlock1369

    feeding with lights off or on?

    Then 3 times lights on. 1 hour after lights come on and 1 hour befor lights go off. And 1 mid way. The times change with 18/6 and 12/12 so you get the idea.
  14. Warlock1369

    Idea for keeping reservoir temps cool

    Just use ice jugs. If your water is to high it melts fast. And sorry but your idea won't work. Think of this what keeps soda/beer colder longer in a cooler. Just ice with drain pulled or the ice sitting in water around the cans? The water. Just add jugs of ice as needed. Not over do it.
  15. Warlock1369

    What power Magnafying glass is needed to see trichomes

    Depends on your eyes. I can't use a 30. I need a 60/100x. But alot of people use 30x.
  16. Warlock1369

    feeding with lights off or on?

    Only dwc and areo are non stop. Ebb and flow and ebb and grow, drip systems turn off. Nft can be both. But this also depends on you media you deside to use. Hydroton, RW, perlite, like more feedings then coco and coco mixes. Or atleast in my setup. I run a mix and water 2 times lights on. So to...
  17. Warlock1369

    feeding with lights off or on?

    Depends on your system. But plants don't take up nutes when lights are out. But most of the time it's 3 times during lights on.
  18. Warlock1369

    When to START adding nutes to FFOF?

    1 gallon pots of FFOF should get you threw 4 weeks or more. Simply look for slight yellowing of leaves then start adding. Start out with 1/4 of what is said. If not fixed within first week go upto 1/2. And stay till it starts agin if it even dose. Then go to 3/4 and hold. You realy shouldn't...
  19. Warlock1369

    howd I do so far? btw its black. (pics)

    If you realy want to bring out the purple in the buds. Use ice cold water the last week.
  20. Warlock1369

    Cheap Heavy 16!

    I don't use the full line they say. I've mixed it up and only use batanicare liquid karma. And a few other lines. Cheeper and just as good. Been playing with how low I can go and nit get any def. So far all of veg and first 2-3 weeks of flower I've droped to half. Keeping around 600-900ppm. And...