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  1. snoyl

    12/12 fs Questions

    Thats what I thought.Its the easiest way to grow,no topping,lst,nothing!Just leave them be.Mine have just started flowering,if youre interested Ill post some pics tomorrow?
  2. snoyl

    12/12 fs Questions

    Some pics for y'all.Peace out my brothers and sisters:joint:
  3. snoyl

    12/12 fs Questions

    When you grow this way do you take the breeders flowering time from when the seed sprouts or from when she starts flowering?
  4. snoyl

    First grow!!! Im using solar storm 400, dwc, and autos

    Click on the little picture of a tree then select what pics you want to upload. By the way,I wish you all the luck in the world,but if things go pear shaped dont worry about it,get yourself some soil and do it that way,soil is way more forgiving and its good to get some grows under your belt so...
  5. snoyl

    First scrog grow, when should I flower her?

    looks good,you may want to trim some of those leafs though,you dont need to trim them right off just cut them in half.I believe its so the clone puts its enegy into root production.Once they start to root,these leaves may well turn yellow and fall off,thats normal.Best of luck
  6. snoyl

    Could uses some help with my first grow... I am not sure what I am doing wrong.

    Yeah man Im not saying to kill your plants,but if I were you Id get me some soil and pots,its way more forgiving.Then once you have a few grows under your belt and you know whats what then you can go back to hydro.Ime its too unforgiving and just plain complicated for a newbie. Good luck though...
  7. snoyl

    Light/Heat Burn? Should I trim leaves?

    Also,check your air pump,make sure theres plenty bubbles
  8. snoyl

    Light/Heat Burn? Should I trim leaves?

    As youre growing dwc youll have to give her nutes and half strength would be a good place to start
  9. snoyl

    one month old plant flowering! Please help need advice!

    Shes not flowering just showing sex.Its up to you whether you want to keep vegging or flower.Remember they stretch in flower and can continue some vertical growth so you should take that consideration especially as lst shouldnt be done too much on a flowering plant.Good luck
  10. snoyl

    Apparently poor yield...first many questions!

    (cont.) as long as you learn from your mistakes its all good.Sometimes its better to learn the hard way yourself,the lesson sticks that way! But yeah,some pics would be good.O:joint:h and I meant to say,I know they say you can never have too much light,but 1600w for 12 plants breaks that rule...
  11. snoyl

    Apparently poor yield...first many questions!

    Ok mate for a start we need pics-no-one,no matter how experienced,can advise on a plant they cant see. Reading your op was like a deja vu.I just harvested some of my first plants and I made the exact mistakes youre talking about,removing fan leafs thinking I was being clever and letting light...
  12. snoyl

    Question about Humidity Domes

    Using a dome to start seeds is overkill.Leave them to germinate in a paper towel overnight then put into your preferred growing medium.Domes are handy for cloning though,they keep the humidity up which is a must for your clones to survive. Best of luck lad
  13. snoyl

    ok first grow pc stealth last pointers?

    But if you have somewhere to grow dwc then why cant you grow in soil?
  14. snoyl

    ok first grow pc stealth last pointers?

    If this is your first grow Id recommend growing in soil,its much more forgiving. a ppm meter and ph tester are essential.Make sure your tanks are light proof,and keep your lights as close as possible,but keep an eye on them as your plants can grow into them and get burnt.Keep an eye on your...
  15. snoyl

    ok first grow pc stealth last pointers?

    What are you asking?Your op dosent make sense
  16. snoyl

    one month old plant flowering! Please help need advice!

    Yeah man youll notice it alot once you start,or if you start,taking clones,cause obviously the clones the same age as the mother
  17. snoyl

    Hempy Question

    Does anyone know if its possible to grow hempy buckets using hydroton?Or is coco the way to do it?
  18. snoyl

    Reusing Soil

    Who mentioned root balls?!And even if my back wasnt fucked and I could carry bags of soil,not sure what the security guy on my appartment building would make of me taking sacks of soil in lol.At the end of the day it would just make my life much easier if there was a way I could reuse my...
  19. snoyl

    Does Anyone Know Whats Up?

    Im using normal seedling starter soil,Bio Bizz nutes and magne cal.Thing is,apart from the middle one,the other two are being grown the same as my first grow but as I said I didnt get any of this.The new growth is fine but its still a bit worrying.Theyre being trained too so its alot of stress...
  20. snoyl

    Reusing Soil

    Ok so Im on my second grow and when I harvested one I was putting another in to flower but using the same soil,now as usual I learn the hard way and burnt fuck out my babies,heres a fine example: My question is,if I properly flushed my girl before harvest,like thiscan the soil be reused?It was...