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  1. mike91sr

    First Time Hydro Bucket

    Yes but it gets old/expensive maintaining that much nutrient solution IMO. Also, just trim back your plants before you have to leave them, they'll be stressed for a day or 2 and be smaller so less transpiration and uptake. DWC is pretty low maintenance as long as you dont have to top up all the...
  2. mike91sr

    Low Stress Training (LST) Guide

    Plus, the younger you start, the sooner you get rid of the apical dominance and start getting a bushier plant. Duh, but this means you can have more developed tops within a certain height, instead of needing to keep training at that given height and ending up with lots of sucker shoots. I like...
  3. mike91sr

    First Time Hydro Bucket

    I think most hydro mothers are higher maintenance that soil in one way or another. I water mine twice a week, feed them once every 2 weeks, and they don't grow so fast that I have to cut them back every week if I'm not taking clones(take that as a good or bad thing depending on your clone...
  4. mike91sr

    help me decide what hydro system to choose

    We need more to go off here. Ebb and Flow tables/buckets, DWC, aero, hempy, or any variation in between are all doable and they have their advantages and disadvantages, but we can't decide which you prefer or which might be a better fit without knowing a little more. To start: Budget? Room...
  5. mike91sr

    Will foliar feeding with an organic nutrient cause root problems?

    I dont see it hurting anything given a very conservative application starting a couple weeks into veg. I just wouldnt be runnin out to buy a replacement when its out or anything. Kelp extract can be had SUPER cheap as long as it doesn't have a hydro label. As far as...
  6. mike91sr

    Tutorial: How to Flush... DWC

    lol success. Read the first 2 sentences of my first response. Thats you buddy!! Just another one who had to resort to ad hominem because you cant CORRECTLY argue the information in front of you(nice try, half of what you wrote in that essay was completely wrong). Do some reading sometime....more...
  7. mike91sr

    Tutorial: How to Flush... DWC

    lol right? Its like leaves on a live plant and flowers from a harvested plant are the same thing to this guy...Flushing to remove stored nutrients from leaves that get cut off anyway is somehow now the same as curing flowers to help release/degrade terpenoids and cannabinoids.
  8. mike91sr

    Tutorial: How to Flush... DWC

    Yes, flushing works to starve your plants. NOTHING else. Not curing, not getting rid of any toxins or chemicals in the flowers, NOTHING. You say you dont want to debate it but you continue to just tell me I'm wrong, without actually addressing any of the numerous facts I've given you that make...
  9. mike91sr

    Tutorial: How to Flush... DWC

    Well if you start a thread on how to use nitrogen to turn buds blue, somebody has to tell you it's physiologically impossible. Same here, discussing different ways to do something that doesn't even happen makes it irrelevant to discuss how to do it, since the reason WHY to do it doesn't exist...
  10. mike91sr

    Tutorial: How to Flush... DWC

    I love that they say you HAVE to flush with one of their recommended products (AN, GH, Botanicare, or Canna) and not just water to PULL the stored chemicals back out of the plant tissues. I've seen a lot of marijuana-related articles like this, but have yet to see a tissue analysis go with one...
  11. mike91sr

    Transplanting from small DWC cab to Buckets (5gal)

    Nope, the roots will be fine to grow as is. I put mine into 3" netpots and then put the whole thing straight into 6" net pots when they're ready. The roots will break the smaller netpot if they need to. Any reason you went with 10in netpots? Seems a bit oversized unless you plan on growing 6'+...
  12. mike91sr

    Will foliar feeding with an organic nutrient cause root problems?

    I think you're missing the big picture with organics and bacteria issues. The reason organics and hydroponics are messy to mix is because the sugars in organic ferts typically act as a food source for the bad bacteria, leading to more outbreaks. Having organic substances present to the plant via...
  13. mike91sr

    Tutorial: How to Flush... DWC

    Starting any flush debate is going to get relatively nowhere on this board. Everyone has an opinion about it and refuses to acknowledge anything else. I've seen 0 scientific evidence that allowing a plant to starve before harvest improves anything about it, so I see no reason to do it. I also...
  14. mike91sr

    It's top water turbulence that puts oxygen in the water, not your air stone.

    Dude where are you coming up with this stuff? How is oxygen UNABLE to dissolve while inside thousands of tiny bubbles being pushed through water, but somehow it can be forced downwards into the water? To the second post, explain to me how smaller bubbles(more surface area) allows water to hold...
  15. mike91sr

    Help With My RDWC Setup!!! Tips, Advice, Suggestions, Critiques, & Questions Welcome!

    Run it on short enough intervals and that won't happen. And if you're running the coil right in your system res and not an external with a wort chiller, you'll have a pretty large volume to cool so it won't change as quickly. But yes, you would generally want to avoid drastic temp fluctuations.
  16. mike91sr

    Critical Jack Vs. Critical+ (Dinafem)

    Yeah great job dude! Thanks for doin this. Gives me even more to look forward to...
  17. mike91sr

    3000w Multi Strain Medical Grow!! Soil ScroG, Waterfarms, DWC

    Tell me about it dude, havent been able to get a full nights sleep in forever. As soon as the trimming was done and I could take a breath it was back into the real world that keeps me way too busy most of the time lol.
  18. mike91sr

    Help With My RDWC Setup!!! Tips, Advice, Suggestions, Critiques, & Questions Welcome! thc farmer, another board. More professionals and less hobbyists than this site, so typically better info from what I've seen. And an undercurrent section worth spending some hours in.