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  1. mike91sr

    So I listened to people on RIU about flushing....And this happens..

    No, YOU are beyond help. I've given you the exact information you can provide to prove that you're right and I'm wrong, and you won't/can't provide it. But let me guess, even though you can't prove it, you'll still support flushing's efficacy, right? Refer again to my first post :dunce:
  2. mike91sr

    So I listened to people on RIU about flushing....And this happens..

    There is literally not a single relevant fact in that entire piece. Again, peer-reviewd information please, not MJ forum advice.
  3. mike91sr

    So I listened to people on RIU about flushing....And this happens..

    I'm saying that there is no evidence for the flushing methods they talk about in their books, so stick to peer-reviewed information. Prove me wrong. Provide the slightest shred of evidence that reducing root zone mineral content will affect the calyx levels before nearly killing the plant...
  4. mike91sr

    Nooob - - Oxygen and PH questions

    Here's a much better solution for the DIYer:
  5. mike91sr

    So I listened to people on RIU about flushing....And this happens..

    ^^Obviously that applies to you too man. Explain to me how removing nutrients from the medium will reduce nutrient presence in the calyx that we smoke. In biological terms, please. If you can't do that, provide a tissue analysis of a control vs variable to prove it. Make sure it stands true for...
  6. mike91sr

    bubbleponic/aquaponic combo?

    Aquaponics is massively successful in all sorts of crops, don't listen to the haters and naysayers in here. They have NO idea why they even think the method won't work. Proper research before putting a living organism in the system, proper follow-through, and proper follow-up. Let us know how it...
  7. mike91sr

    So I listened to people on RIU about flushing....And this happens..

    I love when dozens of people with no botany education start to throw around their minor home gardening experience as fact, everyone busy calling each other names, trying to debate intricate biological mechanisms and processes they can't even begin to scientifically explain. All it looks like is...
  8. mike91sr

    NPK Nutrients Feed

    ^^wtf man...? You told him NOT to use a balanced fert then just named like the 6 most popular hydro companies and recommended any or all of them with no basis for one or the other, essentially just listing them like a catalog... Then sent the guy to see a salesman for better advice? Asshole...
  9. mike91sr

    Root aphids.. Pro help please

    Systemics dont have to kill eggs, they won't be immune to the chems in those(shreds their insides). It can stay in the plants for 2-4 months. May want to think about using bacillus thuringiensis. Lots of myco products have em. Effective, non-systemic, safe, cheap, and protection from other...
  10. mike91sr

    3000w Multi Strain Medical Grow!! Soil ScroG, Waterfarms, DWC

    Day 52 WWxBB & NLxBB. Probably the last crop shot, I'm starting to harvest this weekend. NLxBB look to be the farthest along and will come down first. Some WW are right there with them, a couple are a few days behind. No more than one week till they HAVE to be down though. Day 14 - Caught the...
  11. mike91sr

    Idea for keeping reservoir temps cool

    :fire::fire: :bigjoint:
  12. mike91sr

    Idea for keeping reservoir temps cool

    What problems are you talking about getting in the rootzone there PotHead? Bacteria-related, am I right? Ok, now re-read the second half of the post you quoted. Then read everything I said from that point on. Feeling pretty stupid huh
  13. mike91sr

    co2 though water on a DWC/RDWC

    Good info, thanks for sharing. Just to play devil's advocate on the wasted energy growing roots: Wouldn't building a larger root system in veg make a more shared workload when it comes time to focus on buds? Yes it'll probably take a little more veg time to get there, but the benefits could be...
  14. mike91sr

    Idea for keeping reservoir temps cool

    For sure man, glad we made it through all that hahah. I like having these types discussions as I'm here to learn just as much as anyone else. But I dont feel I've learned anything if I'm too busy arguing and defending to really want to hear the other persons points and counter or improve upon...
  15. mike91sr

    get of the grid

    I fit a 10kw solar system on my roof. About 550 sq ft. Completely offsets 4kw of lights and everything with it. I'm on TOU also. Between the solar and tou rates, my bill went from $800 to ~200(my solar lease payment). Including my home's power usage andwe're pretty conservative despite a 3000sq...
  16. mike91sr

    Under current info

    I dont think hes trying to say he wants to do UC in soil, more that he's in soil now and wants to go UC. And yes, UC/RDWC is IMO probably the best way to grow trees. Aero, E&F, NFT, hempy, etc. are all great and have their advantages, but UC has explosive growth rates and are typically larger...
  17. mike91sr

    Do you flush? Do you kill the lights prior to harvest?

    There's no need to do our own experiments with results being based on our perception when there is credible evidence that definitively explains the process and findings better than any of us can. Have you ever done a tissue analysis to see what the ACTUAL results of flushing were? Because your...
  18. mike91sr

    3000w Multi Strain Medical Grow!! Soil ScroG, Waterfarms, DWC

    Day 8 :leaf: Day 46 :leaf: NLxBB WWxBB 1 WWxBB 4
  19. mike91sr

    how many five gallon buckets to a twenty gallon pump? This is what I was using for 8-5gal buckets. Now I use it for 4 and aerate the other 4 with these: They're way more efficient and...
  20. mike91sr

    Idea for keeping reservoir temps cool here ya go. Had to pull it out to rewire the tank killswitch on it anyway. Put it into 76F water, this is ~20 minutes later. That diagram isn't mine and my bends aren't nearly as drastic. Flipped it ~120* out and 90* down. Which is it man? Do you want to have a discussion or...