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  1. B

    Stems stretching out??? Advice please...

    no, the HPS will work great for vegging. you need to move the light closer so the plant doesnt stretch to reach it and you need to add an oscillating fan to make the stems stronger.
  2. B

    When to start flowering?

    you either veg early to keep the plants short or you veg when the plants show signs of maturity. these are preflowers and alternating nodes. i dont think there are very many indoor growers who veg for 6 months. from seedling i veg just over two weeks and from clone i veg not at all. this keeps...
  3. B

    Serious question

    CFL's should be REAL close to the plants... i keep mine under an inch away.
  4. B

    Bud sites developing during veg...

    wont call you a dumb ass... wont even think it ;) not a wrong theory... but the minor difference is the auto flowering strains are all rudiralus.... Indica and Sativa do not have this trait without rudiralus being cross bred into them. and due to the nature of auto flowering strains, cloning...
  5. B

    Bud sites developing during veg...

    you could be seeing preflowers. generally, clones come from fully mature plants so they are already mature as soon as they develop roots and the only reason to veg them at all is to make them become large. also, you did explain why your flowering plants are going slow... stress stops growth...
  6. B

    Daily Grow Tips (with pics)

    that is another tip in its self.... get good meters. a dual zone thermometer is good to have, even in micro grows. one that has a memory of the day's highs and lows REALLY rocks. a good pH meter is indispensable... the solutions to test pH work, but they are a pain to be sure on the...
  7. B

    Bud sites developing during veg...

    if it came from a clone the odds of it being an auto flowering strain is not very likely. autos are generally considered unclonable. are you sure it isnt just new growth? watch them and see what happens
  8. B

    newb question

    keep in mind plants grow beneath the surface of the grow medium as well as above it. when roots are growing the tops of the plant usually arent... also, with enough light your plants wont be stretching out to reach the lights and will stay shorter... some plants are shorter and/or slower...
  9. B

    newb question

    they should always be as close as possible. lower them as much as you can and then put your hand at the top of plant canopy under the light. if it is too hot for your hand, it is too hot for your plants and you need to raise the light up. after that watch the plants for signs of heat stress to...
  10. B

    Daily Grow Tips (with pics)

    depends on your RH levels... get a meter and it will tell you your answer on that :)
  11. B

    When to add nutrients/fertilizer?

    start feeding your plants now. seedlings are good without nutes for two weeks, generally. flowering gets done either when the plant reaches maturity (alternating nodes and preflowers) or anytime from now (2 weeks after sprouting) and maturity to keep the plant's height down. if you have several...
  12. B

    What is flushing and what is it meant for?.

    there are two kinds of flushing practices. the first kind is in the event of the buildup of nutrient salts in the soil and just means water the plant heavily and let the excess run off. the second kind of flushing is done at the end of a grow to wash out nutrients from the plant itself and...
  13. B

    Best lights for veg and flowering

    how do you know that about those lights? i was wondering what spectrums they were myself and couldnt see any listings on the packaging.
  14. B

    Daily Grow Tips (with pics)

    you basically just showed how i built my current flower "room" ;)
  15. B

    Why smoking a joint could be the wolf in sheep's clothing?

    that article starts by citing a previously discredited report... yet another example of fear tactics that the government has been using the whole time.
  16. B

    HPS in rubbermaid growbox

    THAT was funny :joint:
  17. B

    2x50watt hps

    i think you need to recheck your lumens of the Sun, Bongulator... the Sun is so powerful its output is measured in horsepower, not lumens in the data i have read. those boxes are reflectors and to use a different reflector you have to remove them. here is a good one: GROWFAQ i would probably...
  18. B

    HPS in rubbermaid growbox

    wow that will be a lot of light and heat in that area :o 100 watt HPS should be sufficient for that space and a lot easier to cool. no matter what type of ballast you use, put that puppy outside the grow. good luck!
  19. B

    any help? (simple electronics)

    erm, it doesnt? :o check that second link ;)
  20. B

    Best lights for veg and flowering

    no Home Depot or Lowes? they both have MH and HPS lights... look in the security lighting area. Metal Halide for veg. High Pressure Sodium for flower. if you only have Wally World you are boned unless you have a big one. my local Wally World has shit for CFL's even. if you must use CFL's...