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  1. B

    My first decent grow, how I have evolved over a year, still not their yet though.

    i could very well have made those mistakes... which makes a LOT of sense cause that big of a light leak should fuck your flowering all up :) sorry to add chaos ;) i saw two grow areas and assumed flower and veg... which is silly since i have three grow areas myself
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    Hot? or alright?

    er, get a real thermometer. those cooking therms are not accurate at all at low temps. also, there is no common metric on soil temps... you want ambient air temps from a couple places in your room. most books and growers say that 75-85 degrees is the proper range for temps but i have seen some...
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    My first decent grow, how I have evolved over a year, still not their yet though.

    Hell of a grow you got going there for being pretty new at the game :D things look a little stretched... see if you can get your lights closer. and i would think that exhaust fan in your flower tank would be a light leak and cause hermies... judging by your results though i would be wrong...
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    My first attempt at growing

    yeah no shit! and i sure wish RIU would comment more on the stuff they do so we can learn from it rather than stuff just quietly being swept under the rug.
  5. B

    power what?

    since 18/6 is a normal vegging cycle, the 6 hours of darkness isnt going to cause any issues at all ;) you can also use the HPS bulb now without any problems.... assuming of course it is either a conversion bulb or you have a ballast for it.
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    pH meter purchase questions

    thanks for the responses and the links, ya'll! i guess other than word of mouth there is no real way to discern whether a meter is worth a shit, huh?
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    Bagseed - Midgrade - 1st real attempt - March 22

    damn, Grn... was wondering if your ole lady boxed you up and stuffed you in a closet :p
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    My first attempt at growing

    damn HHM, that Church stuff is just plagued with problems :( and this may be easy for me to say since it aint my address that had a package intercepted... i have never heard of someone getting nailed after a customs letter... don't be such a Mary :twisted: seriously though, sorry to hear about...
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    Dirtbags Green Thumb, Wait?....that's A Bugger!!! -Cloned ToO Stoned-

    oh sure, he is just gonna keep us itching and scratching for the updates :o
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    The dream set up for a 1000watt light

    thanks for the long and humorous answer, South Texas :) email, quite simply, organic just means it has a carbon molecule stuck on it... but when i was asking about organic i meant the some assembly required approach of using things like compost and coffee and bananas and other witch doctor...
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    The dream set up for a 1000watt light

    and to roll and pass :joint:
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    PH up

    baking soda will raise pH. far better to just ditch that batch of water and start fresh though.
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    Pollen Question.

    water traps pollen. wash everything liberally a couple times.
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    pH meter purchase questions

    aside from price, what makes that a good meter?
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    pH meter purchase questions

    bump for the day shift :D
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    is this a problem?

    do your nutes suck as much as your earlier lighting? never seen this happen before but i doubt it is related to the lights.
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    cloning and lighting

    i clone from flowering plants often. it isnt ideal but it DOES work. it just takes longer. Garden Knowm swears by cloning in flower and is who gave me the idea to do it in this grow op. the method for doing it is the same as normal clones. you can veg and clone under the same lights...
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    whats your average yield??

    i get about a half ounce per plant dry right now... i think i can bring it up over an ounce. the plants are all under 8 inches tall and about 12 inches square under a ScrOG... the actual screens are 12x24 and have two plants under them, so they really get more than 12 inches to work with. the...
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    My first attempt at growing

    :o be kind to my ass! kiss-ass