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  1. speedwell68

    Nutrients for soil grows

    Don't be taken in by growing brands of Epsom Salt. I use the cheapest I can find. Mine is marketed as bath salts.
  2. speedwell68

    Nutrients for soil grows

    If the plant is healthy and well treated I can't see why the growing method will make any difference to the flavour of the weed when smoked.
  3. speedwell68

    Soil: How often do you personally water?

    Get a plant. Plant it into a fresh batch of your medium. Feel the weight, that is your dry weight. The water it until you get a little runoff, feel the weight, that is your watered weight. You want to water when it is half way between the two. Then water it slowly until you get a little run...
  4. speedwell68

    Soil: How often do you personally water?

    In 12.5L pots every other day during flower. Maybe every day in the summer as it is a bit hotter during the dark period. In veg probably every 3rd day, ish. If I am unsure I just feel the weight of the pot. You get the hang of it and find your own way after a bit.
  5. speedwell68

    Bumped timer out of outlet

    It won't make any difference. If you did it everyday for a week they might notice, but not a couple of hours.
  6. speedwell68

    Nutrients for soil grows

    Farn Yard manure or Chicken Manure. My mix at the moment is 1 part green compost, 1 part wood compost, 1 part rotted farm manure and 1 part perlite. I also add some Mycorrhiza to the base of the root ball when I pot up the seedlings and I will top dress the pot with Epsom Salt too. Like I...
  7. speedwell68

    Nutrients for soil grows

    At the end of the day you have to have faith it will all turn out ok. If you are worried about pests in soil then go hydro. The only insect I have ever had issue with is Fungus Gnats and they are easy to deal with.
  8. speedwell68

    Nutrients for soil grows

    That will kill all of the microscopic life.
  9. speedwell68

    Nutrients for soil grows

    Coir is as bad for the environment as peat is.
  10. speedwell68

    Nutrients for soil grows

    That is interesting. My niggle with that is that the UK are banning the sale of Peat based products in 2024 and they are already getting hard to buy. At the moment I am mixing bagged wood/green waste compost with farmyard manure and Perlite. It works, but I feel it needs some tweaking. The...
  11. speedwell68

    Nutrients for soil grows

    I wish I had the space to do something like that.
  12. speedwell68

    Please stop using peat products

    Exactly what I do. My garden is on top of old tin mine tailings. All of my used soil is used as a mulch and gets dug in. If I have any left over in goes to the garden recycling.
  13. speedwell68

    Will these buds be smokable after a trim?

    You aren't feeding them enough. Use the nutes at the suggested strength and feed to the end. You can cut the nutes down slowly in the last week or so if you wish. Well done for getting that much of such little lighting.
  14. speedwell68

    Will these buds be smokable after a trim?

    If we knew something about your grow it will help. What are they in? What nutes are you using? To me it looks like they have had multiple deficiencies that have been left untreated.
  15. speedwell68

    Will these buds be smokable after a trim?

    They have many weeks before they are ready. They have gone like that because you have deprived them of food. Flushing is a stupid thing to do to a plant.
  16. speedwell68

    French Macaron...

    Nope. Sorry. I need a new battery for my camera.
  17. speedwell68

    Does this 5 week old photo look like an auto starting to flower?

    I didn't have a decent setup. I got that 5oz with crappy Amazon cobs. I am yet to do anything under my new QBs. My last lot could have been a lot better. They were vegged by the sun and didn't really like being put back inside, they went a bit stretched. For reasons I can't be arsed to explain...
  18. speedwell68

    Does this 5 week old photo look like an auto starting to flower?

    About 140g a plant (ish). Enough for me. I realise I can get a lot more than I have been. I have invested in new lights, a new extraction system and some heat/humidity controls. I am also upping my pot size by a 3rd and reviewing my medium/nutrients. The ones I have just harvested had 12...
  19. speedwell68

    Does this 5 week old photo look like an auto starting to flower?

    That is what I think too. You just have to look at how much more developed a plant is at 12 weeks than it is at 8 weeks. I appreciate there are some differences in veg time from medium to medium. I grow in soil and I accept that coco or hydro are faster ways of doing things.
  20. speedwell68

    French Macaron...

    ...and fuck me it is good. I harvested six of them last week. I picked off all of the tiny fluffy buds and dried them separately, I have been smoking it all evening and I am proper skull fucked. Can't wait until the main crop is ready.