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  1. speedwell68

    Nutrients. Is it all snake oil???

    I was spending £45 per grow in nutes and soil, now I a spending half that for 3 grows.
  2. speedwell68


    If you know it to be possible then figure it out yourself.
  3. speedwell68

    Nutrients. Is it all snake oil???

    I live in the UK and due to Covid, Brexit and the fact I live somewhere remote, my usual grow mix was unavailable. So I had to improvise so I got some peat free tomato grow bags (according to the label it is a mix of composted wood and green waste) and some composted farm manure. I mixed the...
  4. speedwell68

    LED and Calmag issues.

    I grew under HPS for years. I never gave Mg a second thought. When I came back to growing LEDs were all the rage and I started over with LEDs. I just grew them like I had with HPS and I got a massive Mg deficiency for my bother. I bought some Epsom salts and now I give them 2 teaspoons full...
  5. speedwell68

    Yellowing from bottom leaves up with red stems ?

    Tomorite or any other tomato feed. It has added calcified seaweed and magnesium.
  6. speedwell68

    New to growing

    Yep. I have been growing Autos outdoors all summer in grow bag compost fed with a basic tomato feed. Some of the best plants I have ever grown. I have some photos in a tent under 800w of LEDs at the moment. They are in some grow bag compost mixed with some rotted farm manure and perlite. They...
  7. speedwell68

    Any guesses on how much electricity it takes to make the power co. suspicious?

    In the UK the basic penalty for cultivation can be up to 14 years. That said, my mate got caught growing a huge amount and as they couldn't prove he was supplying it to others he got 1 years probation and had to pay the court costs.
  8. speedwell68

    Advice on bubblegum photo fem grow

    For my indoor plants I use Plant Magic Oldtimers Grow Organic, Bloom and PK 4/8 with a touch of Epsom Salts every other feed. For my outdoor plants I use Tomorite and a touch of Epsom Salts every other feed. Both work equally well. My soil mix is a pre bagged one called, Jack's Magic, mixed...
  9. speedwell68

    Best Torrent Downloading Sites

    I use Kodi, have done for years. I don't use those useless streaming addons, they are utter crap. I have a server, with loads of large USB drives attached. The server is running Linux and a VPN. On the server I run a torrent client called Qbittorrent. It can auto download from RSS lists...
  10. speedwell68

    Advice on bubblegum photo fem grow

    You are going to need some nutes soon. It is better to start them off on nutes sooner rather than later. If you wait until signs of deficiency start to appear you are already too late. You will always be playing catchup. If you are going for bottled nutrients you can start them off slowly at...
  11. speedwell68

    What to do with defoliation clippings

    The Wife drys any trim I get and uses it to bulk out a joint.
  12. speedwell68

    First attempt at 12/12 from seed

    Very interesting. I'd be interested in seeing the results from this.
  13. speedwell68

    Covid vaccine not so safe? Video of nurse passing out.

    Why would the Chinese want to screw Western economies? We are their biggest customers. I bet every piece of technology you use is made in China. I have had a double dose of the vaccine.
  14. speedwell68

    Seaofgreen organic weed

    I am in the UK, our houses and gardens are way smaller than the average one in the US. I genuinely have no space. I am struggling to do everything I do now.
  15. speedwell68

    Seaofgreen organic weed

    By 20g Tote you mean 20 gallons, then no way I haven't got the space.
  16. speedwell68

    Seaofgreen organic weed

    Yep, it is simple and cheap.
  17. speedwell68

    Seaofgreen organic weed

    Taste and the speed it grows at are purely down to genetics. I, like you, have minimal space, so making teas and mixing up masses of soil and leaving it aren't really possible. At the moment I am using Plant Magic Old Timers Organic nutes, very similar to the Bio Bizz nutes. I used Bio Bizz...
  18. speedwell68

    Any guesses on how much electricity it takes to make the power co. suspicious?

    Exactly. The only way a power company is going to get involved is if you are pulling an industrial level of power. A domestic grow wouldn't even raise an eyebrow.
  19. speedwell68

    Any guesses on how much electricity it takes to make the power co. suspicious?

    They can't see when my hot tub is on, all they know is the total loading of my house. They can't see my hot tub as it isn't outside. I have been getting away with it for 20+ years, not the odd 2 or 3 grows. Might I suggest that if you are this paranoid then weed isn't the drug for you.