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  1. speedwell68

    Any guesses on how much electricity it takes to make the power co. suspicious?

    In the UK it is upto 14 years for cultivation. My mate got caught with a massive grow. They couldn't prove he was selling it and he got 12 months probation and had to pay court costs. He was selling it. But sold the whole lot in a single deal and kept the money hidden at an unrelated address...
  2. speedwell68

    Any guesses on how much electricity it takes to make the power co. suspicious?

    You are over thinking this. If your buddy snitches they won't give a toss about your power consumption. My hot tub uses twice what my grow does. The power company aren't watching you and they don't care how much electricity you use, they really do want you to use as much as you can.
  3. speedwell68

    Any guesses on how much electricity it takes to make the power co. suspicious?

    How many electricity meters are there in your area? Do you really think they have the man power to individually monitor the times when a users usage changes? Do heating systems not switch on and off in regular cycles like 12/12, 18/6 and so on? So, lets say someone at the power company does...
  4. speedwell68

    First run with autos!

    I'd go 24/0 the whole time. Autos really don't care, more light generally means more bud.
  5. speedwell68

    Ready for harvest? Start flushing?

    TBH Fox Farm is a US brand and I am in the UK, we can get it over here but it is stupid expensive. I believe that Fox Farm do their own line of nutrients that are well regarded. A simple tomato feed would work at a push. It looks very...
  6. speedwell68

    Ready for harvest? Start flushing?

    Foxfarm is soil, the nutes you are using are for Hyrdroponics, this may well be your problem, but I wouldn't like to say for sure as I have never used it or Foxfarm. Personally I'd look for something more suited to a soil grow. I use Plant Magic Old Timers on my indoor soil grows. It is cheap...
  7. speedwell68

    How many more weeks guys!!?

    I have been growing for over 20 years and there is no way you can judge when a particular plant will be ready from a blurry and whited out photo on a computer screen. You might like to think you can, but really you can't. Like I said your 4 - 6 week window is a guess. Anyway, I'm done.
  8. speedwell68

    Ready for harvest? Start flushing?

    I have no idea about the nutes you are using, I have never used them. What medium are they growing in?
  9. speedwell68

    How many more weeks guys!!?

    No you can't. Don't talk crap. Yes you can tell how they are nowhere near ready, but you can't tell if they are at peak ripeness from photos like that or how long they will take. Unless you have some deep psychic ability. About 4 - 6 weeks is a vague guess at best.
  10. speedwell68

    How to use NPK fertilizer?

    Spot on. The best weed I have ever grown was in my garden, in some cheap compost from the garden centre and fed with a fertiliser called Tomorite with some added Epsom Salts. Way better than anything I have produced in my grow room.
  11. speedwell68

    Outdoor autoflower

    I haven't, but there is no reason why wouldn't be fine as long as you have a suitable climate.
  12. speedwell68

    How many more weeks guys!!?

    How long is a piece of string? Get yourself a jewellers loupe from ebay or Amazon, they are super cheap. Then do some research on the trichomes and what they are telling you. It is virtually impossible to tell from the pics you have posted.
  13. speedwell68

    Ready for harvest? Start flushing?

    The half that are telling you to flush are taking the piss. Which really doesn't help. The concept of flushing was brought about by people that had no actual idea what they are talking about. They seem to have the idea that the nutrients will some how make their weed taste bad and fill their...
  14. speedwell68

    Should I defoliate more???

    I'd agree with that. I lollipop the lower stems and leaves a week or so before flowering, let them recover and then once flipped I leave them be. AFAIK a plant uses it's leaves to absorb light energy. If you remove the leaves it will not be able to absorb as much energy and do less well. I...
  15. speedwell68

    When to harvest

    Quick One is an Auto. Really it should be on 24/0 if grown indoors, 20/4 at a push. Only photo period plants need 12/12 to trigger flowering.
  16. speedwell68

    When to harvest

    That is looking nice. Never ever believe seed suppliers on the flowering period. It takes as long as it takes. They have a few weeks to go. Invest in a Jeweller's Loupe, they are super cheap and are great for telling you exactly when it is ready. Also, the very concept of flushing is utter rubbish.
  17. speedwell68 it ready? First time grower

    They look lovely. As said, they have a few weeks to go. But the wait will be worth it.
  18. speedwell68

    Info: Fabric Pots

    If the plant is an Auto then I'd agree. But there is no bother with potting up photos, they have time to recover.
  19. speedwell68

    Cobs Suck !!

    Mine have a massive heat sink on the back and I have a pair of cooler masters bolted to the back.
  20. speedwell68

    Info: Fabric Pots

    Not a fan of them either. They dry too quickly, they are a bugger to clean, they grow algae, you can't stick labels to them and they don't insulate the root ball as well. I have done two runs of a dozen plants each and whilst I didn't get any less weed, I didn't get any more either. I'll...