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  1. speedwell68 it ready? First time grower

    I agree that they aren't ready. What are they and how long have they had?
  2. speedwell68

    Auto flowering too early?

    I agree with the first point. But the OP hasn't done that so may as well carry on. I agree with second point, for photos, but not for autos. With Autos you have 30 days to get it vegged, there is no point mucking about with potting up. If you know what you are doing it'll be fine. But if...
  3. speedwell68

    Auto flowering too early?

    It is very easy to take the piss. But it is less easy to offer some constructive advice. So what would your advice be?
  4. speedwell68

    Auto flowering too early?

    You can do anything, but why bother when you don't have to? I've done it and I don't think my results were as good as they could have been if I hadn't.
  5. speedwell68

    Auto flowering too early?

    Like this... That is a RQS Royal Dwarf about 3 weeks from seed.
  6. speedwell68

    Auto flowering too early?

    The pot is way too small and you topped it, as said it is stunted. Get a 2 - 3 gallon pot. Germinate a seed on a paper towel. Fill the pot leaving an inch gap to the top. Soak the pot in plain water. Plant the seedling. Leave it in daylight for a couple of days, until you see green leaves...
  7. speedwell68

    I am looking for a simple peat free solution...

    Awesome, thanks. LC's Soiless Mix #1 seems to fit the bill. I can get all of that from the local garden place. My main worry is soil PH, in 20 years of growing I have never bothered measuring PH and have had no problems because of it. I have always treated them very much like the tomatoes in...
  8. speedwell68

    I am looking for a simple peat free solution...

    Yes, but it is bad for the environment now and most of the suppliers are phasing it out now. My regular Organic Mix has already disappeared.
  9. speedwell68

    I am looking for a simple peat free solution...

    As the sale of peat is going to be banned in the UK. I am looking for a peat free solution. I was considering a 50/50 mix of coir and rotted farm manure. Then using fish, blood and bone with a touch of epsom salts as the grow progresses. I am wanting to stop relying on bottled nutes too...
  10. speedwell68

    Cobs Suck !!

    They are exactly the same as the ones I am going to use for corner lighting. 100w a piece.
  11. speedwell68

    Extension lead

    They are a truly awesome device. I can add a Zigbee hub and control fans based on temperature and humidity. I can also be anywhere in the world and as long as I have an internet connection I can control any device in my grow space.
  12. speedwell68

    Cobs Suck !!

    I had 4 generic 100w COBS burn out on me this year. I could never keep them cool enough. I am sitting here waiting for my QB kits to turn up, 2 x 150w with Samsung LM301hs and Meanwell drivers. I am like a kid waiting for Christmas. I wouldn't say COBS suck. I have had some really decent...
  13. speedwell68

    Extension lead

    I don't use timers. I use Sonoff Smart Switches and Google Assistant.
  14. speedwell68

    Any guesses on how much electricity it takes to make the power co. suspicious?

    Funny thread from the dead. I have never, ever heard of an electric company than complains about you using too much power, they love you using too much power. As for helicopters, they are not going to go after someone of the basis of an attic heat signature. Are they going to send in the...
  15. speedwell68

    Fabric pots dry too quickly.

    That might explain why I had issues last Winter.
  16. speedwell68

    Extension lead

  17. speedwell68

    Fabric pots dry too quickly.

    I read all the hype on fabric pots and did a few grows with them and couldn't get on with them. They dry out too fast and the water was draining directly out the side of the pot, meaning I had to grossly over water to ensure that all of the root ball was being soaked. Also, they grow algae on...
  18. speedwell68

    Extension lead

    I use the Status brand of extension leads. They are more than good enough, never had an issue. I will happily run welding gear on them. As a rule any extension lead sold by a reputable supplier will be fine.
  19. speedwell68

    Growing strong autoflowers

    Yes, good point I forgot to add that I a teaspoon of this when I plant the seedling.
  20. speedwell68

    Growing strong autoflowers

    Yep. I am currently growing 5 Critical Blue Autos by Expert Seeds in 15L pots, on my patio. They are in a cheap general purpose compost. Until they started to show signs of flowering they just got plain water, there was enough in the compost to keep them going. Once they started flowering I...