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  1. somebody1701

    Please Confirm A51 Url

    I'm about to order from A51 at and I wanted to verify that this is the real site address. I looked at the sticky for mfgrs here and I didn't even see them listed. You can only buy using paypal so I wanted to validate this address. Also, if you think I'm making a mistake...
  2. somebody1701

    Coco Growers Unite!

    I use the CocoTek bricks and don't rinse. Just hydrate with nutrient solution and add 25% perlite. Someone was asking about organic coco, General Organics works great for this although some don't consider it true organics (particularly the camg+). FYI -- I've done with and without perlite and...
  3. somebody1701

    Solar Powered Grow Room?

    Unfortunately, wind is not considered viable where I am. I looked into some residential wind kits and they are very expensive compared to their potential in my area. I would be better off spending the money on more panels and batteries. We do have a small creek, but it's fed by a very small...
  4. somebody1701

    Solar Powered Grow Room?

    I'm moving to a remote location that is subject to hot humid summers and freezing during the winters. The power company wants 20K (not kidding) just to run the lines to my property. I'm seriously considering going stand-alone solar, especially given the fact that I can get a 30% tax credit for...
  5. somebody1701

    Half the LEDs Out on One of my Blackstar 240 Flower Panels

    Two more LEDs went out. My hands are sore from unscrewing and screwing 128 screws, lol. I really do need to order some replacement LEDs.
  6. somebody1701

    Half the LEDs Out on One of my Blackstar 240 Flower Panels

    FYI -- I just had to make the same repair on another of my BS240s. I probably should order some LEDs. I've just been bypassing the one that's out by soddering in a staple, lol.
  7. somebody1701

    Coco Growers Unite!

    Yes, per gallon. I forgot to mention that if you are using RO water this will come out at 5.8 and you won't need a PH or PPM device. I have no idea how this would work with DWC. I used regular coco in Smart pots.
  8. somebody1701

    Coco Growers Unite!

    Replace the Epsom salt with 5 mg of calmag and that's it. Water when the pots are light. Flush every month or so.
  9. somebody1701

    Coco Growers Unite!

    I've been using essentially the same coco for almost two years now. The grows keep getting better and better. I don't rinse or do anything between grows. I'm also using GO nutes, though.
  10. somebody1701

    OttawaLiquid's Organic Soil - Querkle, AK-47xBlockhead and Blueberry

    The number one benefit of lollypopping for me is that it makes it much easier to water and provides you with good clones.
  11. somebody1701

    Anyone here allergic to weed?

    I have severe (level 4) allergies to other things like ragweed pollen, fire ants, roach crap (not kidding). I've noticed that where my arms brush my sativa dom plants I get itchy and sometimes get little bumps. I haven't gotten to smoke in 3 months (have a drug testing coming), but I'm curious...
  12. somebody1701

    Stunted seedlings...

    You can keep rapid rooters too wet. I use them in Burpee self-watering coco starter trays to keep just the right amount of moisture. You really can't beat them for cloning, IMO. I start my seeds in them too, but I don't think they are as important for seeds. I get a little green algae on the...
  13. somebody1701

    Coco Growers Unite!

    I'm in week 4 of flower in 5g pots and i'm giving them a gallon every other day which results in slight runoff. I recently put in a bottom drain in my room so I can appreciate not wanting to have a big mess. Having the drain is really nice. Draining to waste with every watering has really got...
  14. somebody1701

    Droopy plants and yellow lower leaves

    Yes, that's what we're saying. Give them a full dose of nutes and water heavy.
  15. somebody1701

    plant lacking?

    I'm not familiar with advanced nutrients, but if you haven't been adding micro nutrients, then yes, dilute the res or do a res change and put in a balanced mix of nutrients to proper ppm and PH.
  16. somebody1701

    plant lacking?

    If you had/have root rot, you're going to see signs of deficiency no matter what you do.
  17. somebody1701

    Upper leaves clawing under and lower leaves dying

    I have to disagree -- I think a flush is in order, but I've never grown in FFOF. I can't imagine the plants need nutes. Are you sure your PH is on?
  18. somebody1701

    leaves dying last week of flower

    My fan leaves always yellow in the last weeks of flower but flowers are fine. I wouldn't worry at all.
  19. somebody1701

    Problem with nutrients ?

    No, don't worry yet.
  20. somebody1701

    Droopy plants and yellow lower leaves

    They look dry and underfed to me.