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  1. somebody1701

    Coco Growers Unite!

    Where is the documentation? Links? 5 liter is 1.2 gallons. If my pots were that small, I'd have to water at least twice a day. I've yet to hear any sort of explanation as to how having to water every day is beneficial. I'll give you a link supporting my position...
  2. somebody1701

    When To Pull Male(s) To Prevent Complete Seeding

    I'm happy to report that my attempt at limited pollination was successful. My male clone is still producing pollen!!! Not sure what to do about him.
  3. somebody1701

    Coco Growers Unite!

    I actually own two and they both work great if you don't expect them to work like a faucet.
  4. somebody1701

    Coco Growers Unite!

    I'm growing organically so maybe that accounts for the difference. Like I said, I've tried watering more frequently with negative results.
  5. somebody1701

    Half the LEDs Out on One of my Blackstar 240 Flower Panels

    Now that I've opened this thing up and seen how simple it is, I could see building one myself.
  6. somebody1701

    Half the LEDs Out on One of my Blackstar 240 Flower Panels

    Thanks a million, FranJan. I opened it up, swapped the drivers, and noted that the same half of lights still didn't work. I checked continuity from the driver connector to the board. I used a staple taped to a small screw driver to bypass leds one at a time and found the one that had failed...
  7. somebody1701

    Coco Growers Unite!

    Let's see a link to an RO filter that does 45 gpm for less than $150.
  8. somebody1701

    Coco Growers Unite!

    I've watered every day with negative results. If watering every day works for you fine. My point was about the container size (as I thought yours was), not how often you water. If I have a plant in a very small container, I have to water every day or even twice a day. Is that better for the...
  9. somebody1701

    Coco Growers Unite!

    So if I have my plants in a dry environment, they are going to grow faster because I could water them (and thus feed them) more often? And I guess the plant can't use nutrients that are more than a day old? Moderate PH shift in the root zone is actually a good thing. Like I said, if you...
  10. somebody1701

    Coco Growers Unite!

    I guess if you want to make sure you have something to do every day, follow this bad advice.
  11. somebody1701

    Strong yellowing of leaves in flowering...

    It's damn near impossible to get root rot in coco. I'm sure you could do it if you left your pots sitting in a couple of inches of water. Otherwise, I don't think you could.
  12. somebody1701

    Strong yellowing of leaves in flowering...

    I feed with every watering in coco. If you are using inorganic nutes, you need to flush every four weeks. I like to flush with 1 tsp molasses and one tsp epsom salt per gallon. I'm using GO nutes so I only flush once about two weeks into flower.
  13. somebody1701

    My Girls are turning Yellow?

    Have either of you ever grown in coco? I suspect not because it's by far the simplest, cheapest, most productive growing technique there is for a small, personal grow. You can go organic or chemical. Either way, it's dead simple. It's almost impossible to overwater, you don't need ppm or ph...
  14. somebody1701

    My Girls are turning Yellow?

    In a nutshell, you may need to supplement calmag in coco depending on which nutes you are using.
  15. somebody1701

    canoeing leaves

    That doesn't really look like canoeing to me, the whole leaf isn't curving, just the edges. Do you know what your pot's weight is almost dry? I would let them dry to wilting so you could get a real idea of what "dry" is and only water just before the pot gets to that weight. I don't know what...
  16. somebody1701

    My seeds are germanating but wont sprout?

    Stop covering the soil with saran wrap. Make sure the temps stay between 70 and 85 degrees. Do not overwater and do not water with nutrients. Make sure you are using seedling soil. Here's my fool-proof seed sprouting method. I've never had a seed not sprout, even ones I've had over a year...
  17. somebody1701

    My Girls are turning Yellow?

    Jackmac doesn't know what's he's talking about. You want your water at 5.8 for coco.
  18. somebody1701

    My Girls are turning Yellow?

    You have to get your temps down. Also, you may need to supplement calmag. Until you get your temps under control, it's going to be hard to tell what to do IMO.
  19. somebody1701

    Strong yellowing of leaves in flowering...

    Everything looks yellow in the picture so it's hard to say. You really shouldn't be seeing yellowing of upper canopy fan leaves only 31 days in just due to flower. They may be underfed or perhaps your lights are too close?
  20. somebody1701

    Coco Growers Unite!

    You can get a GE RO system at Home Depot for $150. I've had one in my kitchen for years and I bought the same one for the grow room.