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  1. somebody1701

    Coco Growers Unite!

    I put all my clones in rapid rooters that I then place in a self-watering coco seedling tray. By far the most effective way to clone, IMO.
  2. somebody1701

    Coco Growers Unite!

    Sorry, but this is statement is simply not true. I use 5g pots. At the end of the grow, every square inch of coco is densely filled with spiderweb-like roots. I only water every 2-3 days. When I first transplant into 5g pots, I may go 4 days. There's simply no basis for the statement that...
  3. somebody1701

    Coco Growers Unite!

    Contrary to what some people on this thread state, you absolutely can overwater coco. Use the light pot method of determining when to water and you'll be golden.
  4. somebody1701

    Coco Growers Unite!

    You can use organic amendments with coco. I just mixed some up myself this morning: dolomite lime, blood meal, bone meal, cottonseed meal, kelp meal, dry molasses, green sand, epsom salt, myco. GH three part (I actually used micro and bloom only) with cal mag is simple too. I prefer organic...
  5. somebody1701

    Nutes Discoloring Roots

    Posting this more for the benefit of anyone else that might be reading this in the future -- learn how to take clones with a high success rate and you can recover from anything. Take clones even if you don't need them (assuming you have big enough plants to support it) and get good at it...
  6. somebody1701

    Still trying to figure this out

    It's interesting that you say that because I started feeding heavier after my flush too. It could have been lack of nutes in my case as well. That's why once you get something that works, it's hard to change. Never know if it's too much, not enough, something missing, bugs, etc. Very hard to...
  7. somebody1701

    LED vs Metal Hallide

    LEDs generate heat too. If someone has thermal imaging sophisticated enough to see your HID through walls, it's going to see your LEDs too. And, you can't easily vent the heat put out by your LEDs. Not hating on LEDs, but I was surprised by how much heat they put off.
  8. somebody1701

    Nutes Discoloring Roots

    H202 and bleach have never worked for me and I tried them both multiple times. Take some clones and start over. I know that sucks, but I wish I had taken that advice when I got root rot.
  9. somebody1701

    Coco Growers Unite!

    I use five gallon smart pots with 75/25 coco/perlite, GO nutes, and I put 1g in every 2-3 days. My room temps are usually in the mid to high 70s with 40-60% RH with lights on. These plants are 3-4 ft tall. Never wilting and there's usually moisture a few inches down before the next watering.
  10. somebody1701

    Coco Growers Unite!

    Are you using organic nutes? I think you really want to let it dry out some with organic. It could be a coincidence, but when I was keeping my pots really moist all the time, my plants didn't seem happy and I got what looked like iron chlorosis.
  11. somebody1701

    To Reveg or not to Reveg...

    Looks good. Definitely going to give it a shot. I'd like to make sure I move forward with the right genetics.
  12. somebody1701

    To Reveg or not to Reveg...

    I have room so I will give this a shot. I like the idea of root pruning -- I've done that successfully with my mothers a couple of times.
  13. somebody1701

    To Reveg or not to Reveg...

    I just went and checked the plants. I've already lollipopped them at 2 weeks into flower when I took the original clones. If I tried to clone these, I would be taking a small cola with a few leaves and trying to root it, lol. I'm sure it would take a long time. I'm just going to roll with...
  14. somebody1701

    To Reveg or not to Reveg...

    I'm six weeks from the flip and about 2 weeks away from chopping on the blueberry. Will any clones I take stand a chance?
  15. somebody1701

    To Reveg or not to Reveg...

    I have 3 plants that are producing leafy, thin buds and three that are producing fat buds. 4 are blueberry and 2 are black pearl. The black pearl was from seed. The blueberry was from clones. I had one blueberry plant do this last grow and I thought it was the environment. Unfortunately I...
  16. somebody1701

    Yellow dots on plant

    LED panels are not useless at all if you got decent ones. I have 3 myself.
  17. somebody1701

    seeds goin yellow after re potting in cocco soil help help

    I mix up full strength nutes to hydrate my coco from brick even if I'm going to use it on seedlings. Coco needs to be "pre-charged" with calcium and magnesium. Some comes precharged and some doesn't.
  18. somebody1701

    Yellow dots on plant

    You know you can get a digital ballast that will handle both MH and HPS?
  19. somebody1701

    Nutes Discoloring Roots

    If I knew the answer, I might still be running DWC instead of coco, lol. I just know what root rot looks like, not how to fix it. I think my problem may have been insufficient bubbling and high rez temps. Your rez temps are good. I tried tea, h202, bleach, rez chiller. There's a formula for...
  20. somebody1701

    Yellow dots on plant

    Are you running HPS in veg? Your picture quality is not good. I wouldn't worry too much about the spots. But the picture of your whole plant doesn't look good. Your leaves are drooping and growth looks stunted. The plant definitely isn't happy. I suspect overwatering and/or PH problems.