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  1. M

    fast and vast outdoor help

    oh ok, thanks, but i was wondering if even if i was feeding her, would the fan leaves still yellow nonetheless?
  2. M

    fast and vast outdoor help

    yeah, some but not all. i was still hoping she'd sort of get a bit fatter. i was also waiting for the leaves to yellow but thats not happening anytime soon. lol
  3. M

    fast and vast outdoor help

    no idea yet. trying to learn how to gauge visually on bud maturity, pistils, etc. cause i made mistakes on harvesting on how the trichs look before. im thinking of harvesting very soon since 11 weeks is too long for an auto.
  4. M

    fast and vast outdoor help

    Up! here she is now at approximately 11 weeks. what are your thoughts?
  5. M

    Soil seed starting problems

    i water before and not after i plant the seeds! why don't you start them in tiny pots in seed starter soil without any compost
  6. M

    Is this nute burn?

    too soon! and doesn't foil create hotspots while barely reflecting any light at all?
  7. M

    What is this cannabis?

    looks frosty. lol
  8. M

    When do I stop feeding.?

    i think it would depend on your medium, as for me. i never stop cause i use organic. hehe. i just wash my buds if i do anything foliar related. i also do not flush my girls
  9. M

    did i put seeds in to early

    i think its more of the momentum for the seed to prop/push itself upward. i kind of noticed that all taproots sort of take u-turn when you germ then in paper towels and i think the picture illustrates it best
  10. M

    did i put seeds in to early

    you can also plant the taproot upwards! (makes it easier for them to sprout my statement is debatable.
  11. M

    Will a seedling flower?

    i think that's probably an auto. photos won't flower unless they're mature enough. i had a tiny auto (smaller than that) that also flowered because it was stunted. it stunk at was kinda cute.
  12. M

    My girls are exactly open month old, should they be bigger?

    a post for ants! the pictures should be bigger...
  13. M

    fast and vast outdoor help

    hmmm. thanks for the input though. these are under full sun. part of me is thinking that its with the genes. the seeds are from a hermed plant previously so maybe that's why they're so tiny and not fat. and other part of me thinks it has to do with the genes, indicas just seem to do so poorly...
  14. M

    help! crispy leaves

    hey! these are i think in 2-3 gal pots. outdoor, so full sun. nutes are local hydro nutes (2-part), molasses, and koolbloom, sprayed with neem oil/dyna-grow protekt during veg. they seem to be able to take full dosages of nutes with little to no signs of nute burn
  15. M

    help! crispy leaves

    strain: fast and vast auto soil: organic temps: 32-38 celcius outdoor 12/12 age: week 9
  16. M

    fast and vast outdoor help

    Hello riu! Newbie grower here, first auto plant: strain: heavyweight fast and vast age: week 9 from sprout soil: organic, 50% worm castings, 50% local potting soil + perlite and vermiculite. outdoor, 12/12 since seed (i live in the tropics where we only have 2 seasons and its usually 12/12...
  17. M

    Boveda moisture control. A review.

    i started using them too. i put all my hygro with the 62 to check if they're calibrated. it clocked at 66% so i assume my hydros were not calibrated. my stuff has been curing for almost 3 weeks now and bud dry to the touch but still spongy (which i think is perfect, no breakdown of bud). smoke...
  18. M

    Indian Landrace Sativa Outdoors - is it looking ready?

    pretty red hairs. far from done imo.
  19. M

    northern lights!!!!

    look for the seeds! its the most impatient thing anyone can do. lololol