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  1. D

    yellow lower leaves

    you dont wunt to feed it till its about 4 weeks old? and its that light thats fucking it up, you need about 6 of them lights just for a small grow? so go out and by sum cfl's but if you can get an hps,, you wont look back,,
  2. D

    yellow lower leaves

    how far away is that light? and have you feed it at all?
  3. D

    yellow lower leaves

    how big is thay plant pot? and whot is the light? as you dont need to feed them yet?
  4. D

    Just one question..thanks in advance.

    i do it after, and it work well for me,,good luck
  5. D

    is weed a laxative ????? lol :)

    ones or twice,,,,,but then im a lady
  6. D

    kp's cloning class, slips made simple....

    fuck why do you need LSD when you have got Kia-ora?? just look at that add?? fuck thats why im going mad,,lol
  7. D

    kp's cloning class, slips made simple....

    mate i no whot Kia-ora is, i was about 15 when i last saw it? fuck im geting old, i was band from drinking it in school, as al that artificial coloring, was makeing me go mad,,,,,,
  8. D

    is weed a laxative ????? lol :)

  9. D

    kp's cloning class, slips made simple....

    dont no if you ment me?,, no, i have been drinking olde english cyder,
  10. D

    kp's cloning class, slips made simple....

    on it,,,,lol or are you a rabbit?? dogs love rabbits,,
  11. D

    kp's cloning class, slips made simple....

    why wood i start backcross breeding? as im yoda i have the force,lol,do you wunt me to blow up your planit??,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,lol
  12. D

    kp's cloning class, slips made simple....

    hahaha,,,,,stop it,,,lol i was going to put a clone in sum cat shit,,:fire:
  13. D

    first indoor grow Questions??

    well how cold doss it get out side? and wott part of the world are you in?
  14. D

    Hey new to the site!

    well you are on the best marjuana web site ther is,,rollitup,,good luck
  15. D

    Male Pre-Flower?

    that cud be a girl or a boy thay both look like that a 4 days,,,,but hope its a girl,,,,
  16. D

    kp's cloning class, slips made simple....

    that funy my mum is from canada and her dad is from irerland,,
  17. D

    kp's cloning class, slips made simple....

    i ran out of beetroots, so i had to use spuds,,
  18. D

    first indoor grow Questions??

    how big is this closet? and can you vent it?
  19. D

    is weed a laxative ????? lol :)

    if it helps you relax? then in a way its a laxtive,,,,lol:oops: