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  1. D


    the spectrum is rong for growing,,
  2. D

    Little buds on my plants and its getting so cold. what do i do?

    you can cover your plant with a large clear plastick bag at night,it will only give you a bit of protection,but i dont think there is anythink else you can do????
  3. D


    it will cook your plants:mrgreen:
  4. D

    New CFL's Burning Out

    it looks to me that you have a earthing folt? as cfl cant take power surges like incadesents can, that why you cant use dimer's with cfl, is it just happin in one room? as if it is, you no the folt is in there? if its all your home, then it cud be the electrc meter? i wood call out an...
  5. D

    50W Killer Setup GOD knows how many LUMENS!

    was it the girl frend that smashd them??
  6. D

    need help, 2much light, what is next?

    dont feed your plants yet as it cud kill them? you wont to start feeding when thay are 3 or 4 weeks old, can the post sum pic's? and there is never to much light, good luck
  7. D


    just playing sum slipmatt, flat out banging,,,,,,,:mrgreen:
  8. D

    8 weeks and 4 days 12/12

    thay are fatning up rilly nice,,the last week or so of flowering thay rilly sweel up into BIG BUD,,,,lol,not long to you will have lots of smoke:joint::hump:
  9. D

    My plants.

    hi delta, the date in your pics are from last yer?? nice looking plants,,
  10. D


    thay look fine for 8 days old, keep us posted and keep them pics comeing in? good luck
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  12. D

    Second grow

    i tell if thay need a drink by the weight to, its a lot beter than sticking your fingers in?
  13. D

    September 4th(ish) growers

    so you have had sum bad luck then?? seeds normly pop in 24h but i have had them take a week,,so dont cheek them out yet?,,,,and i love chech and chong,,,,lol
  14. D

    September 4th(ish) growers

    whot went rong????bongsmilie
  15. D

    should i get this?

    and its going up,it will $20 a gal by 2010, so thay are making us drive about in 900cc car's,,lol
  16. D

    light question

    if the hps bulb duss fit? you will still need a hps balist to run the bulb,,
  17. D

    How Long Have You Been Ripped??

    about 15 years,,im geting to old,,lol i got VERY fucked last night,,,
  18. D

    Sucessful Cloning

    just have a look at this vido,,al you need to no,,,,,,,,:bigjoint:
  19. D

    Generated underground container grow!!

    it will work out a lot deerer to make your own than just by it from them, and the cost of a two way meter and have it fited is fucking mad,, i have a mate thats had it dun as he has a water wheel on his farm so he puts it back in to the grid and is makeing lots of mony,,,,,,,,
  20. D

    should i get this?

    30 miles to the gallon?? fuck i bet you live in the usa? in the uk most car will do 50-70 miles to the gallon,,as fuel is £5 or $10 a galin