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  1. D


    to me it looks like it doss both?
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    new grower with big plants

    can you get sum pics? thanks
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    to all us cfl growers

    sorry thay will be in my veg room, my clone box is in my veg room so thay will get light from my 25-30w and the 65w bulbs, its just the clone box is new so i cud do with sum moor lights in ther,,thanks:peace:
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    to all us cfl growers

    hi im just thinking of bying 2 or 3 moor cfl bulbs for a cloning room, and was wondering if any one has tryde thes bulbs? thay luck very good to me? hi watts for the mony?,,,,,,,, SAD Daylight Energy Saving Bulbs --- TRG Electrical - electrical supplies and products
  5. D

    Best Lights for Veg Phase

    cfl are the best in my book!! and cheper to by and run, good luck:idea:
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    get sum beter pics of that label
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    7 weeks into flower- how's she look? any tips or pointers...

    thay will need atlest 4 moor weeks but mite be evin longer? is it just one plaint? and are you sertin that its not geting any light?
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    Rain Water

    i live out in the contryside no citys for a long way, just cows and green fields,,lol
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    Moving plants

    on a suny day i put my little girls in the garden to play, its the best plas for them. but only when thay are small, dont wont any one to see them!!
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    1st Organic growr pics how much longer

    thay luck just rite to me, very nice indeed!! and it normal for them to take any wher from 8-12 week, id say alest 3 week but maby 4. good luck!bongsmilie
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    Rain Water

    a frend of mine and a folow gardiner, told me to star useing rain water? he has been useing it for meny years, saying that it is hi in nitrogen? dont no if that rite? so do you lot think it worth useing rain water?:joint:
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    flowering questin

    i wood do a grow but i had to put my pc back togever so i cud go on rollitup,,,and i cant live with out it,,,lol:joint::oops:
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    if he did not have an hps set up i wood use the mh for flowering, as i use cfl for my veging, as thay sem to grow just the same with cfl or mh in veg:peace:
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    for me it wood be at 12-16" or when you wunt to flower them?
  15. D

    favorite drug?

    amfete is base or speed or wizz or billy. wer im from?
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    what's wrong with my plant?

    when you are in the gardin doss it tern to look at you? if so i wood be fucking sceard?,,lol
  17. D

    look at these roots

    thay are like vains from one of them bests from that film, resident evil?,,lol
  18. D

    flowering questin

    yes i can but im out of books for a week or too, and my book publisher has ran off with most of my profits,,,,lol,,,so i need sum one to lend me £1000 to start me up agen,,,,thanks if you can help?,,,,lol:mrgreen:
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    flowering questin

    yes i wood flower them, how meny have you got and are you going to flower them with that 250 hps? good luck!!
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    yield predictions

    we all cud dance arund it for abit of fun,,,,lol,,:mrgreen: