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  1. F

    Growing in coco, have a manganese deficiency.

    Ok, so I flushed the plants with about 5 litres each, then refed with a mild nutrient solution (50% of my regular feed strength) with the magne cal at 1/5 strength and a little root tonic. I hope this was the right action to take, especially since my diagnosis ofc might not be 100% accurate...
  2. F

    Growing in coco, have a manganese deficiency.

    I already added a micronutrient called magne-cal, that seems to have caused the current problem.
  3. F

    Growing in coco, have a manganese deficiency.

    Epsom salt is magnesium sulfate..... I have a manganese deficiency caused by too much magnesium!
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    Growing in coco, have a manganese deficiency.

    Hi folks. Couple of days ago my girls were showing signs of cal / mag deficiency, as I am in a soft water area. I fed a little too much of the calmag to treat it and as a result have what looks like a moderately severe manganese deficiency. I hear that an overfert of magnesium can cause this...
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    Exhaust Fan running

    It won't hurt to leave it on, it won't hurt to switch it off. Soon as they are above ground I would make sure there's at least some vent through
  6. F

    Holes in leaves - and I need to go on vacation for the weekend!

    PS..... vampires hahahah! cheered me up :D
  7. F

    Holes in leaves - and I need to go on vacation for the weekend!

    Little update, bloke in shop reckons holes like that must be caused by bugs, so I have bought some pyrethrum to tackle it from both ends. Ultimately I guess it can't hurt to spray with pyrethrum as a preventative measure if nothing else! I also got some "magne-cal" boost stuff so I will give...
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    Holes in leaves - and I need to go on vacation for the weekend!

    Righto, thanks DonAlejandroVega and BenFranklin, I feel reassured and appreciate your help. Love RIU! Will report back in a few hours when I have had a chance to visit the hydro shop, refeed them and do the mite check. To be sure - to feed the calmag / micronutrients, given I watered them with...
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    Holes in leaves - and I need to go on vacation for the weekend!

    Thanks, would be gutted if something happened that ended it all now!
  10. F

    Holes in leaves - and I need to go on vacation for the weekend!

    Sorry to keep asking questions on this point but I'm a little confused. I want my ph to be 5.8-6.2, if I use elements at ph 7 it will make things too alkaline surely, so I then need to add ph up yeah?
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    Holes in leaves - and I need to go on vacation for the weekend!

    I will do when lights go back on in four hours. Better safe than sorry. Just rub the bottom of the leaf right onto the paper?
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    Holes in leaves - and I need to go on vacation for the weekend!

    Yeah this figures. I had held off micronutrients while they were young but they are ready now - too ready it seems! Thanks all for the quick, helpful responses, I really appreciate it. I am relieved that at least I don't have a mite problem! I was terrified when I saw the situation this morning!
  13. F

    Holes in leaves - and I need to go on vacation for the weekend!

    Thanks for the quick response! Lime would skyrocket my ph in coco and be a bad thing surely? Can't be 100% but it looks like more holes about to develop where there are yellow areas, and there is yellowing to the edges of the holes so I would stab a guess at yes.
  14. F

    Holes in leaves - and I need to go on vacation for the weekend!

    Dude you seem to have missed - I am growing in coco not soil. Ph is fine at 6.0, I should not be adding lime or compost. I am using Canna Coco A&B nutrients. Calmag may be an issue, I am in soft water area. But I still want to know for sure - can calmag deficiency really cause holes to...
  15. F

    Holes in leaves - and I need to go on vacation for the weekend!

    I don't think so, these holes weren't there yesterday. I give my plants a fairly good look over each day and there was no sign of these holes then. I topped some of them 3 days ago so growth has been slow to non-existant on those - particularly the worst affected. So, the leaf that has the...
  16. F

    Holes in leaves - and I need to go on vacation for the weekend!

    Haha yes post overlap again sorry! So: NOT over fert? NOT pests? NOT burn from splash and light? I am able to get some cal mag before I go. Unfortunately I have just watered and fed them. Should I water again - until runoff - with just ph water and calmag?
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    Holes in leaves - and I need to go on vacation for the weekend!

    No lime in the mix. I am using straight up coco PH is just under 6 (using a liquid kit)
  18. F

    Holes in leaves - and I need to go on vacation for the weekend!

    No signs of pests from what I can see without a microscope. They are indoors under 400W MH They are being fed with Canna coco a&b 20ml in 10 litres every three days or so. Would a calcium deficiency cause holes in leaves like that?
  19. F

    Holes in leaves - and I need to go on vacation for the weekend!

    Hi guys Title says it all! These weren't there yesterday, suddenly appeared today. Some kind of bug? I hope to god not spider mites. I don't have a good magnifier yet, relying on close up photos and manual inspection with an old skool magnifying glass. I have to go away this afternoon so...