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  1. theinfected

    Welcome New Members!

    welcome :) hope u enjoy it here. its a great community. Hope your having a great day aswell
  2. theinfected

    Possibly dying

    yea its actually only 10days old. so im not sure i can really cut that in half, lol. but the 1 im talking about that was doing it was the tallest one, thats like the main focus in the pics with the bigger fan leaves
  3. theinfected

    Possibly dying

    ok well heres some pics. but not with it drooping and actually i herd cfl's don't get as hot as hid's
  4. theinfected

    Possibly dying

    Hmm i have 3 plants. all 10days old. all different sizes. my problem is. the tallest one started drooping. I tried turning it more toward the lights but it continues to droop. i went to sleep, next morning i woke up and it was hanging over the side of the pot it is in, i quickly got the soil...
  5. theinfected

    Finally have a grow room

    has any1 had this happen to them before? or may my plant be "dying" or is root snapped maybe?>
  6. theinfected

    Finally have a grow room

    ok i dropped the lights a little lower, and im looking into buying a power strip so i can plug some bulbs into that instead, its just i didn't do that because its heavier to hang and its not really hanging over something to sturdy. and as for they are like that because they were under a T3...
  7. theinfected

    timer trouble

    ok i have a timer extremely similar to this 1 Ace Hardware Outlet and the issue i am having is after i set the pins for the times i want on/off and plug lights in and then plug timer in, nothing goes on theres a manual and a timer switch if i switch to manual the lights go on, but if it...
  8. theinfected

    Finally have a grow room

    also i thought cfl's aren't supposed to get that hot? they are definitely burning my hand when they touch the bulbs, lol. Maybe that fan isn't enough? not sure i didn't want to move close to plants because they were making them fall completely over that blue cup they are in and drooping all the...
  9. theinfected

    Finally have a grow room

    Some of you probably seen me posting before with my crappy T3 Halogen Bulb and no grow room. I now have a light setup and a Room with mylar and a fan. Theres 8 bulbs 4 23w and 4 27w 4 are veg and 4 are flowering bulbs, gonna have them all on 18-6 just need ot buy a timer my manual one isn't...
  10. theinfected

    fan 24/7 ?

    not really because its a T3 Halogen Bulb. it will seriously burn the plants
  11. theinfected

    fan 24/7 ?

    o i didnt even notice ima check to see if that burned now , lol but yes, hmm.. the lightin i am using i posted a post or two above ^^ isnt good for growing i have my 4 23w and 4 27w cfl's but i dont have a spot to grow yet i dont want to spend 100$ on a cabinet at home depot either
  12. theinfected

    fan 24/7 ?

    i know they are extremely stretched they are under a 120v T3 Flood Light.. Halogen bulb... i have all my CFL's im going to grow with, but.. i don't have a spot to move to , i need to build a grow box or something because where they are now is in an open room under that light.
  13. theinfected

    fan 24/7 ?

    wait what looks burned?
  14. theinfected

    fan 24/7 ?

    KK here they are 1 week and 2days old any comments accepted on them. this is my 1st grow
  15. theinfected

    fan 24/7 ?

    kk i trust u man :) ima try to get a pic of them up 1 seccc
  16. theinfected

    fan 24/7 ?

    but they are really stretched.. and like they are bending over the cup, lmao
  17. theinfected

    fan 24/7 ?

    kk thanks guys im hooking up a 12v pc fan on them now its a little to stron its bending them over so i moved it further away. they are only 1week 2days old
  18. theinfected

    fan 24/7 ?

    don i leave the fans runnining 24/7 24hours a day 7 days a week. so when they are in darkness? and in light? or just when lights are on?
  19. theinfected

    CFL Setup

    yea but in home depot i didn't really see anything bigger then what i bought
  20. theinfected

    CFL Setup

    but 4 23 w and 4 27 watt should be good for veg and flower right? as long as when its flower time i change to 12-12