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  1. xxRolandxx

    How to Spot a Conservative

    As you know its been many a year since I lived back Ill grant you that. And those people should be at least forced to work if able bodied, hell the States has some crumbling infrastructure from what I see online, start there. If they wont work (but can) cut them off. Hell ya. Your...
  2. xxRolandxx

    How to Spot a Conservative

    Riiight. Not insulting at all. Why I can see now how shocked...dare I say downright insulted you must have been to my reaction to your thoughtful reply to my thread...
  3. xxRolandxx

    How to Spot a Conservative

    GS, one of my best friends is conservative as they come and I love him like a brother. I respectfully disagree with much he believes, as does he in mine. But we see eye to eye. I guess I have a soft heart because Ive been there..done that. Came back stonger then ever. And when I can help people...
  4. xxRolandxx

    How to Spot a Conservative

    It is an attack to point out when someone shows a complete lack of reading comprehension in their reply? Who first posted that fail pic? Who said I was "attacking" first? Well go cry to the mod police cause the mean old liberal was calling BS on your post. I doubt it would be the first time...
  5. xxRolandxx

    How to Spot a Conservative

    Do you understand the word rebuttal? For example do you realize when 2 lawyers debate a point they are not attacking each other, but simply presenting conflicting underlying concepts and then debating them. God am I arguing with fucking Jerry`s kids here? Holy shit you are some of the thickest...
  6. xxRolandxx

    How to Spot a Conservative

    Do you have any reading comprehension at all, or did you miss the part in the initial post which said it was in rebuttal to CrackerJak`s thread, not a rip off jack ass. And shove your fail up your ass.
  7. xxRolandxx

    How to Spot a Conservative

    No attack Mr. Smoking Ape, just a rebuttal of a post currently on the top of the Politics thread list. I'm new here and so I don't know who has and has not posted when, nor is it really relevant to the rebuttal. Why did you feel the need to point it out..or are you just trying to thread jack my...
  8. xxRolandxx

    Never Toke With Timewasters!

    This was an epic thread title which had so much potential when I was clicking it. I seriously had good anticipation. And then...this? Really? Really? The only thing that can save this thread from epic fail mode... is...
  9. xxRolandxx

    How to Spot a Conservative

    Progressing towards a more fair, more peaceful, more humanistic, way of life. Im a liberal because I dont look at a poor person as someone who is there to be mocked for taking food stamps to feed their children, but as a person in need of sympathy and compassion. We are all in this together. Its...
  10. xxRolandxx

    Personal Security And Internet Anonymity Basics

    I attached the screen cap here.
  11. xxRolandxx

    Personal Security And Internet Anonymity Basics

    Well I posted to see if there was interest in this topic earlier and I got a positive response so Im gonna throw this out here to you wolves. Many of you may already know or do know all or some of the things I want to cover. However if you are currently running Backtrack Linux and cracking...
  12. xxRolandxx

    How to Spot a Conservative

    So it may happen that you are at a gathering of new friends and you find someone you are speaking with someone you find to be funny and interesting, but how do you know they won`t turn out to be a knuckle dragging, Limbaugh talking point ranting, spit at the corners of their mouth wing nut...
  13. xxRolandxx

    Posting Threads About Security

    Naw dude Im just looking to share some good info, but the topic "Security" is behind the pay wall. So obviously the site wants you to pay for this kind of info, but I was just looking to post an all inclusive how to on local and network security to maintain safety and complete anonymity on...
  14. xxRolandxx

    Kitty's Commercial Grow Op-Bigger & Better Every Day!

    Hey Kitty! I love your thread. Im still only on page 29 and its a better read than most books...;) Anyway I just wanted to tell you (and if someone has said this already in the next 9 pages...sorry) but I can save you 2 trips to fill up your humidifier with a little simple DIY. Im not sure the...
  15. xxRolandxx

    Posting Threads About Security

    But..are either of you two staff and can give me the thumbs up officially. Just being proactive, dont want to step on toes.
  16. xxRolandxx

    Posting Threads About Security

    Hi this post is intended for the staff. I would like to share some of my knowledge regarding security (mostly internet and computer) to help protect our members. I noticed the Security official section is behind a pay/donation wall, for whatever reason that is. Online security should be an...
  17. xxRolandxx

    600w x 4 indoor grow. 4 strains.

    Subbed and repped. Im looking forward to watch this one!!
  18. xxRolandxx

    Starting a new grow, have $5500, please help.

    I would respectfully disagree with those who said you are overpaying. Probably they have no experience setting up something of this size (which is a huge setup, dying to see it when its completed). I build everything from scratch, buy inlines and lighting systems from factory distros (I avoid...
  19. xxRolandxx

    Enter The Scrog/Scroggers United Post Page

    Just read through every page in this thread. Thanks to SOOO many! Ive given rep where I could along the way. What a fantastic resource. Currently got 12 girls in the soil waiting to pop their little heads up. 270w of HPS (will be added during flower) and 360w of CFL (first during veg) will be...
  20. xxRolandxx

    The Duke's 3000w Purple Stadium

    What a great vertical grow! Subbed and repped