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  1. tallen

    It's A Fuct World

    Good to hear, I'm switching from rdwc to tables because of repeated slimings. Almost got the titan but decided to go with the tables instead. Now I'm glad I did!!
  2. tallen

    stink buddies

    ^^^^^ what he said- check out superstoner1's "my 3 stages of flower" thread.
  3. tallen

    Need 15 ounces in 1 needed, advice please

    Like has already been said, if you know what your doing you can get a lb off a 600, but if you don't then opt for the 1000. Veg 8-12 plants for about a month or so and flip em to 12/12. As long as you pay attention to them and don't kill you should walk away with at least a lb.
  4. tallen

    5g Bucket - Cloudy Water

    I use protekt and dynagro nutes and my water is pretty clear. I use pondzyme too, still pretty clear water. Don't know what to tell you.
  5. tallen

    PH keeps dropping

    If ppm's are going up then they're taking more water than nutes and your feeding too strong. If ppm's are dropping or holding about steady then it's probably root rot again. Are you using bennies or running a sterile res?
  6. tallen

    Dwc buckets to flood table?

    Too much work for me, if it comes down to it I'd just hack em and pop em in rockwool and let em grow new roots. REALLY hope it doesn't come to that, but even if I loose em it's not the end of the world. I've gave DWC a good run (over a year now) and even with all the headaches it's been really...
  7. tallen

    Dwc buckets to flood table?

    ya, but it'd be a bitch with them in the net pot bucket lids. Edit- or not, I could just go to the bottom of the net pot, hmmm, you think they'd transplant ok?
  8. tallen

    Dwc buckets to flood table?

    Yep 1st time I tried it, older established plants didn't miss a beat, almost lost the young girls. 1/2 ml per gallon is the dose I started with.
  9. tallen

    Dwc buckets to flood table?

    Still here, haven't looked into the ph bottles and slime link. I think I may have brewed a bad batch of tea, the slime didn't change (for good or worse) with the pondzyme and aquasheild in there, but after I added the tea it just exploded!! Did another res change last night and had to take them...
  10. tallen

    Dwc buckets to flood table?

    With that pump you'd probably be fine without airstones in the tray. Pvc or ever a brick or 2 is the plan if I make it that far. I've read that the slime is pretty much a DWC thing, I'm not speaking from experience. Some people seem to get it no matter what precautions they take (like me...
  11. tallen

    Dwc buckets to flood table?

    You can add chlorine back using bleach, but many here really frown upon it. I'm adventurous and tried it when the temps where higher and I was getting some root rot (non-slime) because of high res temps. Worked awesome in flower, took a few doses to cure it and stabilize the ph swings, then I...
  12. tallen

    Looking for Advice on taking clones

    If your planning on flowering the clones with the mother why cut them off to begin with? You'd do better to leave them on her, or am I missing something?
  13. tallen

    help with rockwool for seeds.

    Use the dome to keep the humidity up if the room they're in has low humidity
  14. tallen

    heat mat for seeds in rockwool

    They like it warm and humid to start out, if it's dry you might want to keep the dome over them for a few days till they establish themselves. I don't know the "ideal" temp, but I'd say mid to high 70's and your good.
  15. tallen

    heat mat for seeds in rockwool

    In that case no need as long as it isn't cold where you have them, I say just throw them under a flouro then, no sense taking a chance on frying them.
  16. tallen

    heat mat for seeds in rockwool

    do you have a cable box that's on all the time (only the tv off, cable box still on)? If so wrap them in a paper towel and put them in a baggie, then slide them under the cable box. They'll stay warm to help germinate, and won't fry. Works great! oops- missed that you had em in rockwool, in...
  17. tallen

    Dwc buckets to flood table?

    Almost missed this, I think it could work but you may want to throw a few air stones in the tray with the plants if you do it, especially if the water is not recirculating pretty fast. If the roots aren't getting enough dissolved oxygen in the water (or plain air like in flood and drain) the...
  18. tallen

    Dwc buckets to flood table?

    Tallest one is at 10" and I think I'm going to turn her into a mother, others are more like 7-8". I usually fim them about now and let them bush out for a couple weeks before the flip but was thinking let them go a couple more nodes and top them instead of fim to see if grow a couple tops...
  19. tallen

    Dwc buckets to flood table?

    And it would just be for 1 run with the plywood, so I'm thinking it would be ok. Maybe even throw a coat of paint on it
  20. tallen

    Dwc buckets to flood table?

    Yep, that's pretty much the idea guys. Just not sure how the plants would respond going from constantly being submerged to wet/dry(ish) cycles. Probably have to flood pretty frequently I'd think.