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  1. SikSol

    Humanity CAN achieve enventual immortality

    it could exist or at least much longer lifespans and could happen very soon, we are starting to discover the chemical processes of aging in our cells, and have already began to fight this aging process of our cells not being able to dispose of damaged protein. In fact back in 2008, august I...
  2. SikSol

    FLoJo's Vertical Round 3: Grand Daddy Purps + CO2 = Good Times!

    whoa, been away for awhile, sorry to hear about your grow and about that pinner420 jackass... funny dont remember ever seeing his name on here till now, so he cant be to great at anything.. I only follow threads of ppl that know what they are doing. Anyways good luck on the next one I cant wait...
  3. SikSol

    Anyone else notice the Swine Flu only kills Mexicans?

    I know, just figured I throw sumtin out there for the paranoid stoner conspiracy theorists lol
  4. SikSol

    Anyone else notice the Swine Flu only kills Mexicans?

    Has anyone else other than me noticed that so far the Swine Flu has only killed mexicans? Even in the US the only victim so far was a young mexican girl. Hrm.. purposly engineered virus to attack a certain genetic attribute in Mexicans? A virus release by some government or organization to rid...
  5. SikSol

    The virus is here folks!

    There is a difference between bacteria and virus's, anti-biotic's are for bacteria they would not help at all with this virus.
  6. SikSol

    The virus is here folks!

    First death in US has happened
  7. SikSol

    The virus is here folks!

    Just got done watchin v for vendetta on tv weird watchin that with this virus bieng out as it based about a purposely made virus released to make certain individuals richer and more powerful when they had the cure
  8. SikSol

    The virus is here folks! They have raised the threat level of the virus now, and confirmed more cases and deaths.
  9. SikSol

    Im really high and i NEED this question answered NOW

    You're not going to make any sizable income from this, unless you have a very high traffic blog or other website. If you looking for a legit, fairly easy way to make some extra money online look into KGB or ChaCha. It is a Q&A service where questions are text in and you awnser them. You are paid...
  10. SikSol

    The virus is here folks!

    hrmm.... or it could be paranoia lol... I agree that the government is behind some shady shit and that society as a whole is a crock of shit, but cmon' some ya'll take it a little far, the governments and "organizations" are not behind every single thing that happens lol.
  11. SikSol

    The virus is here folks!

    Why are most stoners conspiracy theorists lol
  12. SikSol

    The virus is here folks!

    The reason you see the trend in 20-40 yr olds becoming more ill to the virus is the same reason most deaths in the 1918 pandemic was middle age people. The reason is that the H1N1 virus would pretty much make you own Immune system attack your body causing holes and damage in lung tissue allowing...
  13. SikSol

    The virus is here folks!

    They do have a vaccine that is very helpful against this virus, the mild cases in the USA so far a person could make it through without any medications no problem. They have been very mild flu symptoms. They dont know why the cases in Mexico are much worse than the US. My theory besides the fact...
  14. SikSol

    The virus is here folks!

    Canada also now has 4 confirmed cases and there are suspected cases in nations ranging from New Zealand to France.
  15. SikSol

    The virus is here folks! The US has declared a Public Health Emergency in connection with the swine flu outbreak, the number of confirmed cases in the US is up to 20 and the death toll is now at 86 in Mexico.
  16. SikSol

    Is RIU a police op?

    lmao, i probally woulda been nailed long time ago if that was the case as I am a employee of the government... wait.... now that I think about it they did spring a suprise piss test on me and me only..... hrmmm lol Na....
  17. SikSol

    The virus is here folks!

    OMFG! you got swine flu, ur gonna die!.... sorry to be the one to inform you and no im not a doctor but I did stay at a Holiday Inn last night! ....out
  18. SikSol

    Best stoner movie ever?

    O man, so many possibilities. All the classic pot movie stars would have to at least make a quick spot in the movie. Some of pots top ppl, like mark emery would have to pop up in it. It would be a movie of a young man starting out growing ghetto in his closet to becoming a sophisticated high...
  19. SikSol

    The virus is here folks! .... more cases and spreading rapidly, none of the cases in the US have been fatal though. Lol, case in San Antonio not far from me. No need to be worried it seems at least at this point. Could drag on slow and be gone, could come fast and go away. Of course...
  20. SikSol

    The Beautiful earth we live on....

    holy shit fdd2blk, i need to hit up your area looks like some awesome surf in the one pic.