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  1. SikSol

    Spartan vs Ninja....who will win

    That show was utter bullshit!!, that was so dumb how the spartan won, never would have happend in real life... so yay and ill get started on +rep the "spartan fan-boys" but I think we all know who would have really won that.
  2. SikSol

    NORML nationwide tv campaign

    Soo we all, or alot of us know that NORML launched its Nationwide tv add campaign today on various networks from fox news to cnn to g4 and spike.. 7700 ads was supposed to be played, did anyone happen to catch one on tv, I tried but never seen a single one!, just makes me wonder.
  3. SikSol

    Even Family Guy had a 4/20 special!!

    You can watch in on just search family guy and look for the 420 episode! ... G4 dedicates its network to 420 on today, family guy runs a special episode, the first ever national pro-marijuana ad campaign started on 420.... never would have seen this in years past... times are changing...
  4. SikSol

    Spartan vs Ninja....who will win

    Ok so far we have..... In the Ninja's corner! Siksol BackDoorMan LunchBox05 MMAstoner SICC PadawanBater gmoneys grimm420 Closetcultivator11 ...and in the Spartan's corner! Hulk Nugs Cannabolic Kant TeaTreeOil aba dankycheds jahman2222
  5. SikSol

    Poll: "Its Not How Long You Live but How You Live"

    ROFL!! +rep, can i be your satan equal? so I can take the non believers... EDIT: aww no more +rep for you it won't let me lol...
  6. SikSol

    Spartan vs Ninja....who will win

    alright so its official winners get +reps and should probally admit they was wrong on here lol... Im IN! and I will take the NINJA!!! Spartan's going down!!
  7. SikSol


    above ^ ditto..
  8. SikSol

    Just got a new system

    Toss the aluminum foil it will create hotspots and burn your plants. Use mylar or white paint/paper etc.
  9. SikSol

    Poll: "Its Not How Long You Live but How You Live"

    Hrmm I unno, pretty partial to Asian food here. Just thinking bout it makes me want to hit up the local mongolian stir-fry
  10. SikSol

    So Im Thinking About Joining The Military

    Glad another service member joined in on this zjohn. Also like zjohn said kiss canabis goodbye I wont lie, I've smoked during leave times and flushed my system and have never been caught but I highly advise against it as it can and will ruin your career. Plus extra duty sucks.. I still grow...
  11. SikSol

    So Im Thinking About Joining The Military

    I agree school is the better option, as thats what im doing now.. but the military is a good way to pay for school. Spend 2-3 yrs in the military, you can go to school the entire time you in for free, you get out your only going to have a year or so left is your going for a BS or your already...
  12. SikSol

    Poll: "Its Not How Long You Live but How You Live"

    Ah fuck sakes I dont wanna get started in this thread.... I feel that anyone that preaches from the bible should be hit in the head with it. Its a book of story's thats all it is.. yes it may have good Moral guidelines to live by but, as humans we are hardwired with these guidelines by nature...
  13. SikSol

    So Im Thinking About Joining The Military

    Im still in the Army, waiting to be medically retired though. The military is great to come in get a better mindset on certain things in life, and to get a jumpstart on it. Im not a big school person and had no idea what to do out of highschool so I went in the military. At 23, I dont know of...
  14. SikSol

    UFC 97 thoughts.

    I agree, but as a bjj practioner myself a fight staying on the ground the whole time isnt always a bad fight if there is plenty going. It's not appealing to your casual fan who doesnt really know shit about fighting and dont know what to look for in a good ground game, just want to see a brawl...
  15. SikSol

    UFC 97 thoughts.

    Not a spider fan huh? Not so much here either, although I have respect for him because like him or not he's still a very talented fighter and at the moment no one in that weightclass can take him. Now, put him and GSP against each other in the same weight class and I think GSP has the potential...
  16. SikSol

    UFC 97 thoughts.

    I didnt think for a second the spider was gonna loose, and this fight it wasnt entirely his fault that he wasnt able to do anything. He's a counterstriker, if no one strikes at you then that puts you out of your game. That fight falls completely on Leites, he acted like a pussy straight up, was...
  17. SikSol

    Spartan vs Ninja....who will win

    i unno even if locked in a cage, it would still come down to the individual fighter, ninja could throw a couple ninja stars into the spartans legs, and bring him down then go into finish the job, they also had blow darts, small cross bows, grappling hooks, many weapons that could be used. Even...
  18. SikSol

    Spartan vs Ninja....who will win

    hah, that movie wasnt exactly historically accurate and they also was facing a army with a similar fight "style" and weaponry. In the show, they pit 1 on 1 so numbers dont matter is just if one spartan fights one ninja. Ninja would stay hidden and prob just take him out with a poison dart or...
  19. SikSol


    It's not a addiction man, lol Im the same way. There is just something about growing that is so rewarding and hooks you in. Its just a badass hobby, I couldnt grow anything else, would get bored prob not do well at it and just quit lol. There is sumtin bout growin grass though. My wife even...
  20. SikSol

    UFC 97 thoughts.

    I agree with you to a point, Chucks style is very predictable he used to be able to afford that predictability and his willingness to swing without regard because of the fact he used to be able to take some hard hits and go. At almost 40 now and after you start gettin knocked out it just becomes...