You aren't very educated are you? Those are not nazi's, although they will be your overlord's in due time when your numbers dwindle down far enough. Everyone will be able to own a white slave.
I thought I remembered this. The cop got fired and could not find another job so he decided to try to suck from the government teat.
Didnt the people sprayed by the police get a large settlement and the cop file for disability claiming PTSD or something from that incident? Nazi news goes around the world.
Breeding the white vermin off this earth is the responsibility of anyone with brown skin. They are an evil race and have no place among us and will soon be extinct and the world will be a better place for it.
Your constitution was written by men who owned brown people and made their fortunes from their sweat. Fuck your founders and your constitution. It was allowed only by the blood of those you enslaved.
It will be a good day when the Russians and the Chinese give you ass whipping you have been asking for so many years. Celebrations and toasts for the world. Imperialsts will be slaves!