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  1. OregonMeds

    Osama Is Not Dead!He's On An Aircraft Carrier Being Treated As He Should Be..

    You're 72 and a Navy veteran, impressive. I salute your service as well, Start sounding like it, and I will respect your opinion more. I'm 43 and a Army Infanry vet, so I'd appreciate some respect in return. I said before I'm not some anti american USA hater, I'm a vet damnit. So was my...
  2. OregonMeds

    How Does My Antler Pipe Look LIke?

    I never thought of it that way, like a pharmacy. Shit that does suck. :( I always thought of it as anti pharma meds, oregonmeds referring to being oregon legal mmj medical patient but I guess it doesn't sound that way.
  3. OregonMeds

    How Does My Antler Pipe Look LIke?

    I don't care. I think you must be high though suggesting it. :)
  4. OregonMeds

    How Does My Antler Pipe Look LIke?

    The longer you can hold it in the more THC you will absorb. Some prefer to hold only a few seconds to avoid getting too much tar in their lungs, it's up to you, but then it will take more hits. I don't see any difference in taking more short hits or fewer long ones as far as tar goes. You...
  5. OregonMeds

    Osama Is Not Dead!He's On An Aircraft Carrier Being Treated As He Should Be..

    Don't get your panties all twisted like you caught me in a lie or something little guy, you didn't catch anything. I'm betting you didn't see any difference in the two photo's or didn't look at all, so who cares about osama more then you or me? Or is it more about you carrying the party line...
  6. OregonMeds

    Osama Is Not Dead!He's On An Aircraft Carrier Being Treated As He Should Be..

    It's entirely pointless to argue this further... If you compare bin ladens side by side from 2004 and earlier photos to later photo's, compare any news story or anything that had current pictures at the time you will see they already did a switch with a new actor: Look: Click this one...
  7. OregonMeds

    How Does My Antler Pipe Look LIke?

    waste x 3 Even when I used to grow pounds I'd still put out the smoking bowl between tokes, try putting out three bowls while holding a lighter in one hand and pipe in the other. There's no benefit to 3 bowls, if you are somehow misguided by the cross joint bullshit on the Pineapple Express...
  8. OregonMeds

    Osama Is Not Dead!He's On An Aircraft Carrier Being Treated As He Should Be..

    mikejones420ish "RLTW" Thank you for your service, this from a simple ex Army Infantryman. But in the future, I think it's better that you debate topics with opposing facts or something, rather than resorting to just calling someone crazy and making fun of them like a child. I think you've...
  9. OregonMeds

    Saw Them in Action for the First Time Today

    In that case probably training of some sort. You'd have to watch closer and provide more details of what manueuvers they were doing to know. Maybe getting more officers experience spotting things from the air, or practicing moving officers via helicopter. Just getting all officers trained on...
  10. OregonMeds

    Osama Is Not Dead!He's On An Aircraft Carrier Being Treated As He Should Be..

    I'm not saying he's alive, I'm saying everything about this story and it's timing is bullshit. He was replaced once already somewhere between 04 and 07, you can find plenty of pictures online showing a new actor was put in place at some point. So likely died years ago. Plus this one they just...
  11. OregonMeds

    Curiosity Killed the Cat

    A little cat fur doily to set your bongs and pipes on, mini bear rug style. (Just kidding) :)
  12. OregonMeds

    What's the Biggest Yield You Pulled from an Indoor Plant ?

    My biggest yield was 2lbs per plant dry, crital mass, 2kw vertical scrog, vertical open bulb, vegged to 5' before flower with FFOF in 20 some gallon rubbermaid bins per plant. The strain wasn't that good though, I'd have been happier in the long run with much less killer stuff. I gave that all...
  13. OregonMeds

    Do You Think? It's Wrong to Steal from Wal-Mart?

    Aside from it being stupid and wrong it seemed like half the people in court when I was fighting a dui and rescheduled many times were there for petty crimes like that. Most of them were under $30, stupid little things like fishing lures, hair brush, scizzors was actually one of them, etc and...
  14. OregonMeds

    Saw Them in Action for the First Time Today

    Maybe they're looking for al queda. :)
  15. OregonMeds

    Osama Is Not Dead!He's On An Aircraft Carrier Being Treated As He Should Be..

    Someone told someone that alqueda or his daughters said something, and with no proof of a thing and zero independant investigations these days the media reported that 3rd or 4th party hearsay to you... And you believe it unquestioningly, because you know our government never lies or manipulates...
  16. OregonMeds


    Not much materials are really needed, see my past little journal:
  17. OregonMeds

    Mandatory Propanda and Fear Mongering for all hoorah

    Serapis or Sarapis was a Graeco-Egyptian god. He was invented during the 3rd century BC on the orders of Ptolemy I of Egypt as a means to unify the Greeks and Egyptians in his realm. The god was depicted as Greek in appearance, but with Egyptian trappings, and combined iconography from a great...
  18. OregonMeds

    How Does My Antler Pipe Look LIke?

    Stems from big mature plants would work as a mouthpiece, but it's a soft "wood" even in big mature cured stems. It's something you'd have to replace fairly often, cleaning the stem would always rip it up to some degree so I wouldn't spend a lot of time on it or try to get too fancy with it. A...
  19. OregonMeds

    Why Are Oil And Gas So Cheap?

    It's so abundant, we spend an untold number of lives in a neverending occupation for it: Snip: London Review of Books 18 October 2007 It’s the Oil Jim Holt Iraq is ‘unwinnable’, a ‘quagmire’, a ‘fiasco’: so goes the...
  20. OregonMeds

    What Do You do for a Living?

    No nursing duties really, more live in cook and dog sitter and shitty housecleaner, cheif heavy thing lifter and getter of things from high places. There were times when she was doing worse, a lot worse. I did have to help her by putting a chair in her shower, help her walk back and forth to the...