Mandatory Propanda and Fear Mongering for all hoorah

Serapis or Sarapis was a Graeco-Egyptian god. He was invented during the 3rd century BC on the orders of Ptolemy I of Egypt as a means to unify the Greeks and Egyptians in his realm. The god was depicted as Greek in appearance, but with Egyptian trappings, and combined iconography from a great many cults, signifying both abundance and resurrection. His cultus was spread as a matter of deliberate policy by the Ptolemaic kings

Combined with the attitude that wireless wiretaps aren't being done, when we know full well that is part of the patriot act, it's enough to make any conspiracy theorist seriously wonder about you man. Not counting other things happening that seem weird around here like busts and seed offers only based from RIU members... Sorry, had to point it out.:)
I highly doubt either that it will save lives or that you can get a video feed ernst.

they have similar system in japan. when the earthquake happened offshore earlier in year texts and public broadcasts were sent out even before the big tremors had hit land.

while you might not like it as a technology it certainly has the potential to save lives
I doubt it would do any good. By the time they got the message out the tornado would have already been there done that. TV and Radio currently serve that purpose anyway. This is more about sending political messages than anything else. Keep people in fear, such fear that they would be afraid not to have their phone at their side at all times. Much easier to keep track of people if they always have their phone with them. Imagine all the ghosts that they can scare the citizens with. You will beg the police to come kick down your door and body cavity check you and your children just so you can sleep soundly at night knowing there aren't any terrorists hiding in your rectum.

nor child molesters
Uh, how about looking outside? You'd notice the weather growing a bit inclimate.

You would notice a tsunami coming? That's a real concern where I live.

It's a service I would pay for. I can already be tracked by Onstar in most of our automobiles. I carry EPIRB's in the plane and both boats. I use a SPOT and Sat Phone as well, especially when floating remote rivers. I'm a big fan of using the technological infrastructure to facilitate the safety of my children and my clients while operating way outside of what most folks are accustomed.

It depends on your perspective.

There's no reason to be a dickhead.
When I asked if you flew lately did you really think I meant in your Piper super cub? Do you SUPPOSE I meant through a large airport like O'hare or LAX?

I haven't been in LAX or O'hare in over a year. I was in ATL, DFW Sea-Tac, and ANC two weeks ago. Atlanta classify as a large airport?

How did you guess the Super Cub?