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  1. bobtokes

    Bloombastics Watered Down Product??

    used that shit once, worst tasting bud i ever grew
  2. bobtokes

    All tops are turning yellow

    you say your PH ing @ 5.8 is that constant ? i always vary mine between 5.8-6.3 so i dont lock out MG and other nutes
  3. bobtokes

    What is wrong? Yellow spots and drooping.

    if you want your plants to grow slowly repotting after the plants have rooted the pot out speeds the wet/dry process, thus getting more oxygen to the roots, fact
  4. bobtokes

    What is wrong? Yellow spots and drooping.

    that pot is way too big for that plant at that stage, if your watering with 20% run off it will take too long to dry out thus starving your roots of oxygen, you should let the roots fill the pots out before repotting to a bigger pot you say you had mites how many times have you sprayed them ...
  5. bobtokes

    yellowing new growth

    it looks like MG def to me,
  6. bobtokes

    Problem with Leaves (Flowering)

    i was thinking the same thing, can you post some better pics, what strain are they
  7. bobtokes

    How long is too long (soil question)

    also, if your using chemical ferts and you let the pots dry out completly you will get salt build up if the plant has'nt used up all the nutes you watered with, that will happen in any media
  8. bobtokes

    Seedling issues

    spectacular matey, your getting the hang of it now, lol
  9. bobtokes

    Seedling issues

    i always feed with veg nutes for atleast 18 days into flowering, thats when they use it up the fastest, if you give them bloom nutes at this stage you will poison them, MG is really important at this stage as their using it fast ask as many questions as you like matey, knowledge gives you big...
  10. bobtokes

    Seedling issues

    I would give them some veg nutes as they look a bit pale, dont give them bloom nutes untill the flowers start forming, give them some MG now, how many days into flower are they
  11. bobtokes

    Seedling issues

    keep feeding veg nutes for the first 2 weeks of flower, and give um some MG ;)
  12. bobtokes

    Diagnostic for first grow

    its not a good idea planting seeds/seedlings into their final pots as they may be burned if the compost is too strong, wilkinsons compost is crap its got alsorts of rubbish in it, your better off paying the extra for canna compost or something simlar your plants look ok at the moment, dont over...
  13. bobtokes

    Nitrogen deficiency in 5th week of flower?

    take some pics under normal light, you cant see shit under those lights
  14. bobtokes

    Is this a potassium deficiency??

    are they dead yet
  15. bobtokes

    Plants don't seem to be taking water

    what stage are the plants at, what are you growing in, what are your temps like night and day ?
  16. bobtokes

    Female won't develop buds

    if i have several plants sometimes i get a runt, if you have plenty of space for her let her do her thing, if space is tight compost it and give the others more elbow room
  17. bobtokes

    Anyone grow anything besides weed indoors here?

    i read something about that, dont think i'll need a fridge in the uk, lol just read up on the propergation stage so far, soon as they've popped i'll do some more research i'm going to try growing them in a large glass carboy with some other carnivors, if i can get a few going i'm gonna try...
  18. bobtokes

    Anyone grow anything besides weed indoors here?

    just bought some venus fly trap seeds thought i'd have a crack at carnivorous plants
  19. bobtokes


    ah ok thought you might be 1 of the tight ass fuckers that visit the site lol, well good luck with the seeds you have