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  1. Santa Cruz Dude

    Road tripping to CO / CA... how might i be able to score some of these cali priced...

    hit up santa cruz. it's a small town and EVERYONE smokes...A fucking TON
  2. Santa Cruz Dude

    Road tripping to CO / CA... how might i be able to score some of these cali priced...

    just buy non medical weed, alot of it is grown by the same people
  3. Santa Cruz Dude

    please help emergency! Whats wrong with my plants

    it looks like what you said, a phosphorus deficiency. Since you've been treating it and it sounds like it's getting worse, then i would say check your pH. Phosphorus is an easy one to lock out when your soil is acidic, and a lot of nutes can be slightly acidic and making the problem worse. If...
  4. Santa Cruz Dude

    Tutorial to Growing with Cfl's

    hey man if i were you i would just keep it outside, the light from the sun is WAYYYYYY better than ANY cfls. I understand this isn't always a possibility, so if you do keep it inside, take it off of 24/7. the plant needs time to sleep just like we do. during the dark hours is when the roots do...
  5. Santa Cruz Dude

    Sun Scout Ap

    I just downloaded sun seeker lite for free on the apple store. its pretty awesome. you can find the same kind of thing online too
  6. Santa Cruz Dude

    re-veg question

    i have a black domina that is about 4 weeks into flowering indoor. it is an AMAZING plant and i want to put it outdoors. the problem that i have is that the light cycle goes all night from 10pm to 10am. The question i have is can i reveg the plant so that it's on a 24 hour light cycle and re...
  7. Santa Cruz Dude

    indoor flowering plant put outdoors in march

    I start my plants in cups like that and whenever they get to about that size, they become rootbound and sometimes show the same symptoms of stress. you just need to transplant them into something a little bigger for now. and yes bagseed is worth growing outside, last summer i just on a whim put...
  8. Santa Cruz Dude

    powering CFL lightbulbs

    WOAH dont do that!!! thats a fire hazard!!!! those little socket adapters arent meant to to handle the splitters and the extra voltage of two bulbs
  9. Santa Cruz Dude

    How can i dry my cut buds from plant only outside?

    take a look into water curing as well. apparently its discrete and kills a lot of the smell. also you stick it in the water right after you harvest and it only takes a few days to dry after one week of water curing
  10. Santa Cruz Dude

    Scroggin W/ CFL's

    dude dont even worry about scrogging that. your lst set up is essentially a screen already haha. im diggin this. i cant do anything big right now so i might try some of the stuff you have in your set up here. very nice sir
  11. Santa Cruz Dude

    Small Plants Out Early vs Big Plants Out Late

    you gotta harden them off before they go outside so they dont stress out too much. you probably only need a day or two of that right before youre ready to put them out though
  12. Santa Cruz Dude

    Guerrilla Guide

    haha i just thought about the same thing today, it would be cool to find a spot where you could either build a platform or wedge a pot up in the branches. watering would get hard as fuck though. also, a really cheap and easy way to make your soil retain water is to take diapers and cut the...
  13. Santa Cruz Dude

    Need an Experienced Growers Advice on My Site

    how about you leave your trees, take cutting like gypsy said, then find a sunnier spot. grow in both places and give us a report on the difference lol. much easier said than done i know
  14. Santa Cruz Dude

    Ohio Outdoor Guerilla Grow 2011

    yeah for sure. i wasn't expecting to still be living here this year but here i am. definitely gonna go out in the fall and find a nice spot (as nice as it can be in this shit) and tidy up a bit for 2012
  15. Santa Cruz Dude

    Ohio Outdoor Guerilla Grow 2011

    I gotta say OHMed, im really jealous of your land. Im over here in south west ohio (my user name is pretty old now lol) and the woods are dense as fuck. I cant find any clearings like that, it's all trees and thick brush thats shaded by trees
  16. Santa Cruz Dude

    Classic: 0 out of 100 Seeds Won't Germinate

    How long have you had the seeds? if you've been holding on to them for over six months, they're probably just dead seeds, unless you used some sort of method to preserve them.
  17. Santa Cruz Dude

    Just Cut a Bud I Really Wanna Smoke It

    even if you dry it out using one of the aforementioned methods, its still gonna be harsh and taste like ass. whatever you smoke will definitely not represent the final, properly dried and cured herb.
  18. Santa Cruz Dude

    Too Soon for Lights? First Grow, Please Help!

    i personally like to keep the unsprouted seeds under the light. i've noticed that they sprout quicker and tend to be healthier. also the light heats the soil which mimics what would happen in nature if they were growing on their own. I've done both ways and it really doesnt matter too much...
  19. Santa Cruz Dude

    Question from Noob

    the more and more greenery she packs on, the faster and faster it goes... but those first couple weeks are brutally slow
  20. Santa Cruz Dude

    Tutorial to Growing with Cfl's

    hey dude, you'll want a full spectrum of light throughout the plants life. HOWEVER during veg, you'll want the ratio of 6500k lights to be higher because this will mimic the light spectrum the sun gives off when it's higher in the sky in the spring. when you switch to flower, you'll want the...