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  1. superskunkd

    65 day old super skunk plant hasent shown if male or female HELP

    If you leave the lights on a vegetative cycle the plant will continue to keep growing and growing and not flower! Or flower correctly if you will.
  2. superskunkd

    65 day old super skunk plant hasent shown if male or female HELP

    Getting males could be ok if you know what to do with them make hash or something. But turn your lights to 12/12. Your preventing them from showing their sex not all plants pre flower or auto flower. You have to give them what they would get naturally from the sun as if they were outdoors. And...
  3. superskunkd

    Help whats wrong!!!!!

    Yeah good luck there a bitch but you can ge rid of them if you are persistent
  4. superskunkd


    Im waiting on pineapple chunk right now wanted to try a cheese strain and this one looks interesting
  5. superskunkd

    65 day old super skunk plant hasent shown if male or female HELP

    Well what is your light cycle? Did you switch over to 12/12? Also for flower after you change to 12/12 you change the cfls from 6500k to like 27ook which is the red spectrum and very good for flowering. If you have already done all of this how long has it been flowering would be my next...
  6. superskunkd

    long time reader.. illinois resident,

    yeah lurking for that long almost makes you a specialist you probably have read more than a lot of us.. but posting is the real joy!! good to finally hear from you.! if you really wanna smoke make some new friends like half the people + in this world smoke you probably wont have to drive far im...
  7. superskunkd

    Craziest Things You've Found In Weed.

    so this one time i went over to my dealers house and asked for a oz.5 she said sure got it and threw it to me. i went home to find a couple friends that i was meeting to smoke with and i reach into this nice looking bag and what do i pull out? a shed snake skin!!!! which is like my biggest fear...
  8. superskunkd

    Name your favorite TV show!

    californication is very very funny and amusing... check it out
  9. superskunkd

    Questions About Probation

    of course if you get get some hard ass youll know better than to push your luck and my advice was to quit smoking all together for best results but both times i was on probation I DID NOT PERSONALLY get drug tested accept on the day that was appointed the month prior to be my next appointment...
  10. superskunkd

    Questions About Probation

    and im not sure about where you are but here they tell you when your next appointment is and then if there gonna test you they test you then..
  11. superskunkd

    Is it illegal for kids to make their own alcohol?

    im pretty sure thats a big YES to getting in trouble if not more trouble??? hmmm very creative thinking though.
  12. superskunkd

    T5 Still growing GREAT at 54 days!!!

    damn that looks tasty..!!! cant wait until mine are done.. bud props yours look great happy smoking.
  13. superskunkd

    Do you need a Mother?

    i would keep a mother that way you can guarantee quality. but not everyone enjoys the same cup of tea..( or tea at all.. figuratively speaking.)
  14. superskunkd

    how big will my babies get in an 18oz cup

    I believe your roots will bind up and it will not work.? but then again i have most definately never tried it! good luck.
  15. superskunkd

    Pipes-When To Stop Hitting

    hit the bowl until there is ash on the top. lightly tap the bowl out and stir your weed up man. then smoke til the rest is gone. youll know its gone if all the stuff in the bowl easily falls out and looks like ash. if there is weed left it will likely stay in the bottom of the bowl and then you...
  16. superskunkd

    Functional Stoners

    i have smoked heavy for ten years and i am very functional. i am probably less functional when im not high because i have a better attitude and outlook on things when i am...
  17. superskunkd

    Which Is Light Is Best For Veg Cheapest?

    if interested in flos just make sure they are 6500k for veg and 2700k for flower. or else you need a little money for some high outputs or something that rout.
  18. superskunkd

    1 wk into flowering my 1st grow

    mine took a very short time to sex within like 3-4 days and then after that it was another couple weeks for my bottom buds to start showing. it was a little different for each individual grow but thats because all of the plants arent the same genetics. but it is a time thing and within time they...
  19. superskunkd

    Questions About Probation

    in my experience each probation officer is different and when i was on probation my officer would test me whenever she wanted..(lucky for me it wasnt often) but i would say try to at least stay clean til they test you and even then only smoke as little as you can to satisfy. if you could i would...
  20. superskunkd

    watering schedule and budding question

    you will find out soon if it is a male as soon as those lights change