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  1. ginwilly

    What's your opinion of an electoral college vs. one person one vote?

    It certainly does make more sense than basically 5 states being the only ones that matter. I understand the reasoning behind the electoral college though, so I see both sides. The States were supposed to elect the President. States no longer hold much power and are more symbolic than autonomous...
  2. ginwilly

    What's your opinion of an electoral college vs. one person one vote?

    That's pretty much what I said only not as well. I know the electoral college isn't what makes us a rep rep, our representatives do, I was just describing the thoughts on states autonomy as originally constructed and the perils of a true democracy. Our Senate is an example of how states were...
  3. ginwilly

    What's your opinion of an electoral college vs. one person one vote?

    Going off memory it had something to do with making sure states maintain some autonomy. A state can split their electoral votes by constitution and some I think are talking about doing that. You can bet republicans in California and democrats in Texas would love a split electoral college. The...
  4. ginwilly

    War on Christmas.

    It would just lead to more Christmas like every other war we make. I seriously can't afford more Christmas.
  5. ginwilly

    Obama Rejects The Keystone XL Pipeline

    If you understood what a bizarre full of shit statement taking body parts home to mess with your roommate is, you would understand why it's so memorable. Didn't you admit that you used to be Duke Anthony (after denying for many posts)? If it wasn't you, my apologies, if it was you, then you're...
  6. ginwilly

    Obama Rejects The Keystone XL Pipeline

    lol, no, no you didn't. Infectious waste (which is what pathology waste is classified as you tard) is not disposed of at a funeral home. Damn you caught the dumb real bad. "Hey Mr. Pathologist, when you get done examining that cell tissue from the foot, toss it to me and I'll drop it off at a...
  7. ginwilly

    Obama Rejects The Keystone XL Pipeline

    lol, you should stop digging In 1997 the EPA changed the standards and shut down 1000's of on-site incinerators. So back in 85, the local hospitals would have disposed of those parts you claim were laying around so you could play with them. So not only would you have not gone to a mortuary...
  8. ginwilly

    Obama Rejects The Keystone XL Pipeline

    Nobody believes you Duke, except for other tards that are as dumb as you. The more you try, the worse you look. If you knew how regulated the disposal of body parts was, you wouldn't have even tried to make that lie. That's yet another example of the level of intelligence you display here on a...
  9. ginwilly

    Obama Rejects The Keystone XL Pipeline

    You have no clue how bad you look when you do shit like that. I'm sure it sounded good in your head... Remember the first time you called me racist? It was when I called you on your bullshit, you claimed you used to bring body parts home from a lab and throw them at your roommate, you claimed...
  10. ginwilly

    Obama Rejects The Keystone XL Pipeline

    Of course it would create jobs, the thing wouldn't build and maintain itself, it just wouldn't create as many as claimed by some. Oil prices are set on a global market. If the supply is increased without increasing demand then prices fall. If prices on the global market fall, they fall here...
  11. ginwilly

    Who likes Ben Carson's radio rap ad "to appeal to the black vote"?

    They are coming out of it. The Riverfront is beautiful, the new Mayor is a CEO type and the bankruptcy helped balance the books a bit. The final straw of the Detroit Riots were because of the police interactions with blacks (sound familiar?). There were many after hour clubs in Detroit but the...
  12. ginwilly

    Donald Trump

    The ones I was talking about were legal migrants. They were definitely taken advantage of, but I guess that's part of the price they pay to come here. Everyone is taken advantage of at some point, so you can't stop that, you can only learn from it, but some of the practices are borderline...
  13. ginwilly

    Bernie Sanders introduces decriminalization bill

    There is no Gary Johnson this time, if I write in anyone, it will be my brother-in-law, he likes that. The point I was trying to make was don't make Sanders into something he's not or you will have to spend the next 4-8 years of him doing the same thing as the last guys and trying to spin it...
  14. ginwilly

    Bernie Sanders introduces decriminalization bill

    If the vote were today I'd sit home. I have no choice this year unless Gary Johnson gets back in. I wouldn't be disappointed if Sanders wins out of all of the others though. He's my favorite turd, I just don't ascribe altruism to a politician the way you guys have with the guy.
  15. ginwilly

    Donald Trump

    That's what needs to be fixed. I know a Canadian couple that took 11 years to get the paperwork in order to come here legally. No way that should take longer than a year. You could have one person total working the claims and it shouldn't take 18 years.
  16. ginwilly

    Bernie Sanders introduces decriminalization bill

    People are setting themselves up for another disappointment if they think a career politician is going to change the way things are done in DC.
  17. ginwilly

    Donald Trump

    I've heard about another aspect that doesn't get talked about. I put myself through school building mobile homes, a lot of migrant workers there too because it was hot sucky work. The migrant workers shared crappy single-wides sometimes living up to 15 people in each. Here's the shitty part...
  18. ginwilly

    Bernie Sanders Is Wrong

    No, I believe it's a theory. I doubt the tooth fairy had any input though. Headin out. I know we are not done yet and I'm enjoying the back and forth so if I don't respond it's because I'm not here. Post away about your religion and I'll counter with mine when I can.
  19. ginwilly

    Bernie Sanders Is Wrong

    If you are going to try to claim Hoover was a hands off type of president then you are making a fool of yourself. Ever heard of the Hoover Dam? You think maybe it's called that for a reason? He was the biggest deficit spender in history to that point but it doesn't fit your argument so you keep...
  20. ginwilly

    Bernie Sanders Is Wrong

    Coolidge ran a budget surplus every year. Hoover was the first big deficit spender and lot of what he did is lumped with the great deal that you guys claim "saved us". FDR won the election campaigning against deficit spending. Read that again if you need to, FDR claimed the depression was caused...