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  1. LegalizeDaBud

    Is this Bud Rot?

    Harvest in 2 weeks or so, maybe sooner. Just had it's last feeding 2 days ago. Will be flushing for the remaining time.
  2. LegalizeDaBud

    Is this Bud Rot?

    Alright good, I had that part close to the light for a couple days. Although, I have had my plants that close and even closer many times without having this problem. Guess I will just watch a little more closely next time.
  3. LegalizeDaBud

    Is this Bud Rot?

    If so what would be the best thing to do? Chop whatever I can see? If it's not bud rot then what might it be? Thanks!
  4. LegalizeDaBud

    Are these buds ready to harvest?

    Give it another week or 2. Once the pointy white hairs turn color and start to recede into the bud she will be ready.
  5. LegalizeDaBud

    Is this PH Lockout?

    Will definitely keep my ph at 6.5 from now on. Will also try the few ideas you guys have given me Thank you for the time! Will see how the next few days go!
  6. LegalizeDaBud

    Is this PH Lockout?

    I know it is, I once read that the sunshine mix may require a lower ph, so just to try I watered only once with a ph below 6.0.
  7. LegalizeDaBud

    Is this PH Lockout?

    I thought that is what it was a first, bought some cal-mag added during veg, things kept on getting worse.. I might try cal-mag again as im half way into flower see what happens
  8. LegalizeDaBud

    Is this PH Lockout?

    Check my ph? Like what i do every single time i water?..... Watering ph ranges from 5.5 to 7.5 (experimenting to see if it would resolve the problem) Regular ph 6.5 Like i said... "I have tried watering with a lower ph I have tried watering with a higher ph"
  9. LegalizeDaBud

    Is this PH Lockout?

    I use Sunshine mix #4 Botnicare power plant nutrients. temps 75-80 distilled water I have tried watering with a lower ph I have tried watering with a higher ph Still occurring. Been fighting this problem since veg, still can not figure it out. Please rollitup, help me out..
  10. LegalizeDaBud

    The 12-12 From Seed Thread

    Auto Anesthesia
  11. LegalizeDaBud

    The 12-12 From Seed Thread

    First time doing 12/12 from seed.. In a party cup.
  12. LegalizeDaBud

    Purple Chem Dawg after 4 days of drying

    Amount of wattage?
  13. LegalizeDaBud

    Heat stress to nute burn and ?

    Do you have good air circulation in there? .. fans blowing the leaves around?
  14. LegalizeDaBud

    nutrient issue ??

    This might help..
  15. LegalizeDaBud

    Very first time 12/12 from seed.

    I just followed the trend.. I guess it would be pretty easy to just use something/anything else and become way cooler among RIUppers lol. That's it I am starting a new trend starting next time!
  16. LegalizeDaBud

    Very first time 12/12 from seed.

    Here is my entire box, these 2 plants were just an experiment. This is kind of my 3rd/4th grow I guess, been really scattered :p. Current look.. Full view(couple months ago..)
  17. LegalizeDaBud

    Very first time 12/12 from seed.

    These are 2 of my first plants ever from 12/12 seed. They are 5 weeks 3 days in. 400w/hps I Would like to get some bloom booster, any idea on the best quality juice I could get? Also if anyone has ever grown Auto Anesthesia and has any feedback.. Thanks! Auto Anesthesia. Bag seed.
  18. LegalizeDaBud

    First GROW - White Widow (suggestions)

    With an air cooled hood you can put that light right over top of those plants, as long as it's not to hot.. I keep my plants a couple inches from my 400w with cool tube, never any problems. Closer the light the better in some cases.
  19. LegalizeDaBud

    First harvest with pics.... criticism welcome please!!

    Yeah it looks nice, get some closer pics! :)