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  1. magicman18

    like nutrient burn, but isnt.

    Few facts. recently transplanted to soil, problems arose approximately a week or less later. some insect and ant powder has been spread around it, because the ants went crazy as soon as it was in the ground some powder got on the leaves no nutrients have been added since this was put into the...
  2. magicman18

    what is this thing?

    there are tons of these near my garden. ive heard they are baby spiders; not spider mites, because they roam freely and i can see them pretty easily. im just wondering if they are harmful. it sort of looks like a tick or something, i really dont know though.
  3. magicman18

    Seriously, whats happen to weed?

    okay well after reading what you wrote, it seems like you DONT want to trip. so definitely dont get sativa. that is complete mind high. indica will put you on your ass though. find a 50 50 hybrid, regular not auto, and you should be good.
  4. magicman18

    yellow lower leaves.

    i agree, thats the correct course of action. half the dose is good, but dont fertilize every day.
  5. magicman18

    Several strain/breeding questions

    yes that is called squaring, then cubing. if you can keep the original F1 alive long enough to complete this. and ive never tried either. just make sure you select an ideal female for reproduction with whatever strain you choose. the more times you cross the hybrids with the original, the...
  6. magicman18

    trying to figure out what wrong

    they should be okay. just use a natural soil mixture that has worm castings and stuff, that way you wont have to fertilize much; also, don't fertilize every day. once or twice a week is plenty, also, light is a big factor in stretching. try not to flood the plant either, instead, just make sure...
  7. magicman18


    thanks guys, i appreciate it.
  8. magicman18


    will the plants be okay if it is only partial burn? they are very good genetics and i would hate to lose them.
  9. magicman18


    okay i really messed up. and dont say anything about how bad of a grower i am, i was just trying something. suffice it to say i made a homemade humidity dome for my seedlings. the dome fell, and a majority of them are burnt. some were so moist they cant even stand up, others are completely...
  10. magicman18

    Some questionsss. how much do you water?

    put something, ^like a basin^, under it. i usually water until i see run off, or until the soil is thoroughly moist. Ive always had a green thumb though, don't have too much trouble with under/over watering. the plant will find the water, but if you just wet the top, the roots will go to the...
  11. magicman18

    trying to figure out what wrong

    it looks a bit like nutrient burn. just use pure water for a while, then if other leaves start to turn you should worry. new growth isnt showing any signs of deficiency, so i believe it is burn, since its at the bottom, working from the tip in.
  12. magicman18

    1st Time with CLONES - Need advice

    you could start the nutrients now, just really weak since there roots are new. i would give it a week or two. also, as long as the roots are somewhat established, you can transplant. it may cause a bit of stress, but i transplant when i see new growth on the clone.
  13. magicman18

    Night have to harvest early...fml

    stop feeding them NOW. right when you read this. and make sure you have some sort of place to put them to dry where NO air can escape. they are very very very strong while drying. but in that same sense, they could develop mold with no circulation. drying that quick is going to reduce potency...
  14. magicman18

    my first grow

    that wont be bad. and the bud you dont harvest, but think about it like this. you can take most of the good bud and leave enough vegitation to reveg, which i think is about half for best results (not sure about that), then you can wait a few weeks, flower again, and you will get the same amount...
  15. magicman18

    Several strain/breeding questions

    Genetics Autoberry x lowryder =maybe some auto flowers take those and breed them with autoberry again. =auto-flowers more similar to berry than lowryder. you may get lucky the first time. it depends on the dominance of the autoflower genotype. with about 100 seeds, one is bound to be a 50/50...
  16. magicman18

    Several strain/breeding questions

    i wouldn't worry about auto strains. it would take a lot of crossing, but eventually im sure you could create an auto strain. i would take a pure ruderalis and cross it with whatever. then cross the offspring that auto-flower with the original strain genetics, then cross the offspring that...
  17. magicman18

    yellow lower leaves.

    you dont need to use the bloom this young. flush the soil, and when it looks better, start back with those at HALF the recommended dose. i used them too at half, and they worked great.
  18. magicman18

    Is this a mag deficiency?

    also, a teaspoon of epsom salt per gallon should be enough.
  19. magicman18

    Is this a mag deficiency?

    dude its flowering, some of the leaves are going to turn yellow. if you are about to harvest, you need to flush anyways. Epsom salt will definitely help, but i wouldn't want that on my bud. it will wash off though, so just be sure about a week before you cut it, THOROUGHLY flush the entire thing...
  20. magicman18

    my first grow

    dude your plant is doing really good. sucks the other one died. you could clone her? just take a cutting and some root hormone, and you have another Debbie:-P. also, good luck on the flowering. remember to switch to a higher potassium and phosphorus fertilizer and then flush it out before...