1000 Things to do while stoned

451. Make eggs with everything you can find in the house. Last one consisted of bacon, eggs, 2 cheeses, honey roasted turkey sandwich stuff, baloney, onions, and some other shit. Some how the second dish ended up with soy sauce in it, after about 10 bites i realized it tasted like horse shit. Very disappointed.
452. tell your step brother not to smoke weed,
453. ask your step brother if he wants a hoot,
454. hit him when he says yes,
455. take him mushroom hunting.
456, forget why your with him, and make him take you to taco bell.
457. cruse the mall and oogle at the jail bait.
458. harrass the sacuraty gaurd.
459. find different things you can melt cheese over,
460. stand down town and stare at the sky, and see how meanny ppl start dooing it with you, then ask them what there looking at.
461. learn somtiing new, its alwaise so intresting,
462 find somone elce that looks baked, and get at one with them
463 stare at your little green ladies blowing in the wind from the can in your closet, it really is mesmarizing,
464 think of the top thousand things to do when stoned
446. Wonder why a man can no longer be a man in this world.
447. Wonder why we turned the fate of the world over to women.
448. Realize Kids nowadays are morons because they are raised by women.
449. Realize Men let Women rule the world becuase they knew they would fuck it up and then they can rebuild it... Again
450. Smoke more weed to feed this insane/sane realization of society
451. Realize black men want to secretly kill white men.
452. Understand Racisim will never be solved until we are all dead
453. Realize the USA is no longer the definition of freedom but instead a mockery for a scheme to give false hope to those in need of financial prosperity to help the rich get even more rich.
454. Play the MegaMillions.
455. Pray to god I win.
456. give up on the megamillions after i match 0 numbers
457. Dream about being wealthy so i wouldnt have to suffer in a dead end middle class environment
458. Get bored and play Socom 2 on PS2 online
30. go to class
31. stare at the boobs of the hot girl in class and ask them if they want to go smoke a J at the break
32. Drive
33. Jam to pretty much any music
34. Play w/the dogs
35. Pretend ur a straight up G (I always feel bad ass when high)
36. golf

37. read reading assignments and ponder every other sentence

I second that lol even though when I'm high I'm really not that smooth :lol:
Oh I slide like butta, I feel smooth as hell, but usually someone breaks the truth to me when i try to style something new, I need to start expressing myself more, I think I worry too much about what other people say