1000 Things to do while stoned

1326. Make sum pancakes for pancake Tuesday even know it's not pancake tuesday
1327. Force feed a fat kid with pancakes u till he pops
1330. pay a visit to the man with the icecream van and buy a packet of cheap fake fegs..
1331. fone in sick to work and sit and get binned with your mate playin cod 5 ...
1332. smoke a alan.
1333. let your dog walk you
1334. open a door for someone
1335. learn to skydive
1336. make a tape mix
1337. Praise FluffyToke's 1337N355.
1343 tell a funny joke.
A guy is in prison doing life for murder, the door opens and a guy gets flung in to share his cell with him, the new guy is only doing 6 months, so the 1st night in the cell the murder says ''do you want to play a game ? the new guy says yeh ok, whats it called ? the murder says doctors & nurses you go the nurse ill go the doctor, the new guy says can we not play something else ? the murder says ok, we will play brothers & sisters ill be the brother you be the sister, the new guy says can we not play something else ? ok says the murder we will play mummys and daddys, the new guy buts in ''can i pick first ? sure says the murder go right a head, the new guy says ill go the daddy and you go the mummy, sure thing says the murder now get your ass up here and suck on mama's cock. LOL LOL HA HA LOL.