good ol bag seed..but good bag seed weed...I dunno lets call it 42047AK14Looks good! What strain is that?
good ol bag seed..but good bag seed weed...I dunno lets call it 42047AK14
I "Beth" she will...........
Just what some people post. It suck not knowing the strain, but I know its good bud.Not KB but a step below... with seeds.nice grow42047 who said bag seed is no good
that's true.
if your weed came with seeds in it, doesn't that mean it had a lower thc content than weed that doesn't have seeds in it?
Well anyways so far they look better than anything i have ever bought locally. Now the stuff I get in cali is always killer. So hopefully it will be at least somewhere between some good mid-grades and KB.
You know, I wish I could share some of this with you guys when I smoke it. It sucks that we can't sample some of these fine grows here. Who ever designed the Internet needs to figure out how to CyberSmoke......Im High as a MOFO right now!
You know, I wish I could share some of this with you guys when I smoke it. It sucks that we can't sample some of these fine grows here. Who ever designed the Internet needs to figure out how to CyberSmoke......Im High as a MOFO right now!
Im from Orange County, Now Im far far away in the Woods....Somewhere near Bigfoot...Well F it man, where are you from? I'd love to sample some of your SCROG'd buds when they finish, and I'd be more than happy to share some of mineCali for LIFE!
Looking good by the way. I continue to become more jealous by the minute.
Very nice first crop... VERY NICE!!!
I bet that wire mesh screen can hold up any bud out
nope...Just the little knomes and Trolls in the woods.and the loch ness monster??
i love knomes and trolls!! and magic weed elfs!!nope...Just the little knomes and Trolls in the woods.