wats the story,
White Rhino @43days & Power Kush @9days
1st is some of the axials on my nu fav WR2, 2nd garden, 3rd Powerkush1 n muto in the bkground, 4th WR1, 5th Wr1 again , 6th PK2 ,7th,
next 4 are all wr2 last is the axials on wr1.
the power kush, i am amazed the are kicking ass and in uniform to,exact same measurments.
wr2 is healthier than the big one braching off like a mad thing.
wr1(big one) the side branches have gotten a kick up the hole since i topped it.
the weather is normal again cold n rainy outside, my temps been 24/25 with the nu fan, rh up to 45/50 now finally, wish it was tha 10% higher but beggers cant be chooser's wha?
im happy