Alright, so the problems i experienced with the roots, i think is/was root rot, but i think i am catching it early before it destroys everything. I completely cleaned out my res. new water. new nutes. NO liquid karma. washed everything, all tubes, all pumps. filled with clean water and H2O2 then rinsed and did it again. I rinsed off the roots, some fell off, some i took off. minor damage. Lots of white/offwhite roots now. I know Ive got to work hard to prevent the root rot from happening, can't afford to lose this crop. I Added 2 teaspoons per gallon of Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) to my mix this time, Kind of low dosage? I'm not sure exactly how much I should be putting, ive heard many things, so comments? I am looking into getting hydroguard or hygrozyme to use in the res to fight this still minor problem. I think I handled the situation well, just hopping things pick up even more. especially for the younger hindu skunk, its stil sluggin along. getting quite a few new roots. I took out the feeder tubes from the Bogglegum, but still have them in the hindu, just till a few more roots are down then the pump is coming out. Because the hindu skunk is still young and ive been seeing minor signs of nute burn i now went with 1/4 strength recommended dose to start. Will bump it up little by little if able to/need.
3.75ml per Gallon Pure Blend Pro Grow
1.5ml per Gallon Cal Mag PLUS
2teaspoons(10ml) per Gallon 3% H2O2
Room Temp:
Lights ON 80-90F (depends on weather here, luckily mostly cold)
Lights OFF 68-75F
Res. Temp:
Any questions, comments, advice? Thanks for your time
Look a lil better?
Hindu Skunk (still a few problems with this one, working on it though)
random shots:
Thanks guys