225 Gallon Smart Pot Super Soil

Glad I saw this thread! Amazing KK, looks like a lot of knowledge and hard, hard work right there (amongs other things).

Hopefully down the road I can put my 300 gallon rubbermaid to use and come back to your threads for advice, motivation. :P

happy farming everyone!

very nice my friend...very nice. Those are some of the healthiest plants I've seen this year! Keep it up!
well.....thats a thing of beauty!

Im envious of your backyard!, everything so neat and clean, and apparently awesome/understanding neighbors! lol
Hired Guns:


Purchased 1500 ladybugs @ local hydro shop. Deployed last night @ around dew point. I think 11:00pm. They came in a mesh mag that I sprayed down with 50/50 coca cola/water mix to coat their wings with sugar and keep them from flying for several days. only problem is some of their wings dont get stuck. and when they fly around they get stuck in the extensive network of crazy spider webs. Spiders do not screw around. when a ladybug hits their web they strike like lightning, instantly killing the bug. then they back off and wait to eat it later. spiders are going to keep the lady bug population in check i guess. i was loving when they were munching on the cucumber beetles but sad to see them eat my little soldiers lol. All part of a balanced ecosystem i guess.

Happy Gardening Everyone!
they are simply raised beds. my native soil is a nightmare: gophers, highly alkaline, too much clay etc. building a living soil that keeps critters out is what i ultimately want but that is long term project. some of the benefits of the smart pot are portable, breathing container that can be cleaned. promotes lots of lateral root development by preventing the roots from becoming rootbound via air-pruning