Day 63 update (sorry I didn't use the glasses for the photos so the HPS yellow is back):
Sorry it's been a while since a good update. My girl hasn't been feeling well and I have been taking care of her so I haven't felt like taking pics.
You can see a few colas that decided to lay down on the trellis to bask in light lol More will likely do that over this last week.
Overhead lights are currently at 75%, CO2 PPM reduced to 800, temps are down to around 84F. The CMH light isn't supposed to be dimmed so it's still at 1kW, there is some foxtailing under that light, proving that you can get foxtails from too much light, it's not just heat that can cause it.
The Do Si Dos was showing about 20% honey trichomes at day 62 and a few amber so I chopped her main tops on day 63 and left the bottom half of the plant to go a little bit longer. Partly because I want to show my girl how letting it go longer to get more amber makes for a more sedative high and partly because I am not in a hurry to get this one out of the way since she finished early. She finished about this time last round so she is consistent so far. I think she may have turned out a little more aromatic this round. She produced nice dense nugs for a plant that wasn't in direct light. Here is a shot of a few her nugs that I cut on day 62:
(Dunno why it's upside down, it isn't on my PC)
Almost forgot here is the Wedding Cake and the Triple Nova plants:
I got those cuts from the same buddy that has the fire hoard. He said that he will toss me one of those Divine Gelato #3 cuts when he gets some growth the cut he bought, here is a shot he sent me of what it can do:
Anyways, time to go water. Have a great day and happy growing!